christmas nightmare

Date: 9/9/2016

By alfykins

I dram that I was in a weird small town like a mountainous town, it was the christmas season, the town was decorated nicely and people were out and about shopping and stuff. I was at the middle of the town and I could of sworn that there was christmas music playing on hidden speakers. any who; there were these people dressed in christmas character costumes walking around. parents walked towards them and took pictures with their kids and couples took selfies with them. I don't know why but I started getting scared and not just me few people did too. we started telling people to get away from them that they were bad. then I don't know why but I took out a knife and ripped their costumes out and they turned out to be army/militia dressed guys with guns, they started shooting everyone. helicopters came. people started running everywhere. I ran up the mountains and I ended up in an uphill dirt road. I heard truck coming but couldn't see it so I started running. the road ended up being fenced off and there was people on the other side. I started yelling "help me!! let me borrow a machete or something to break this chain connecting the fence" they said they didn't have nothing. I started splitting the fence pulling it apart and noticed that I could fit thru. I started telling them "help me pry this fence I can almost fit thru" they were like 'no, you barely could probably fit but if we wait and help you they'll kill all of us' the ran off and I woke up... 😒😒😒