He Killed Himself And I Watched Him Die

Date: 1/17/2018

By A_RisingKing

This was an interesting dream and I’m still trying to figure it out. So the first thing I remember is, I was with a group of people. An we were chilling out and smoking weed, and it was close to midnight. The strange thing about this is I don’t smoke anymore. Don’t get me wrong though I have nothing against those that do, it’s just not my thing anymore. So it’s quite odd to see it in a dream. Anyway, after we were done I drove home, something I never wanted to do when high, and I was high out of my mind. Somehow I made it home and in one piece, an I immediately went to bed. I woke up the next morning an sent a message out to my group chat an asked if anyone want to hangout. One person responded an said yes. I then walked into my parents room an my dad was upset, I could tell he knew what I was up to last night. I played it off and pretended not to know what he was talking about an denied anything he said. After that I heard a car horn outside my house, and went back to my window in my room to see who it was. It was my friend from my group chat. I’ll just call her jasmine for the sake of the story. It was strange seeing her at my house since I never told her where I lived and thought we’d meet up somewhere to hangout. So I put clothes on and went downstairs stairs to meet her outside. When I walked outside I saw that someone had crashed a car into my neighbors home. Then I saw these guys walking around the cars in my neighbors driveways. That had these devices that when used would open the trunks and doors of the cars, and they were stealing anything they could find inside. I greeted jasmine. And one of the guys came over to my dads car an popped his trunk. I said to him “hey TF ARE YOU DOING?!” “That’s my dads car asshole”. He looked at me with a vicious look in his eyes an completely disregarded what I said. An responded again and said “HEY BITCH DID YOU HEAR WHAT I SAID?!”. He stopped and began to walk away. After hearing all the noise and yelling my family came outside to see what was going on an one of my neighbors. I told my neighbor that these guys where breaking into his car (you thought I only cared about my dads car an not my neighbor), and to call the cops. I told my dad that the guy I was yelling at was breaking into his car, and the guy turned around an started walking toward me with knife in his hand. Then he walked past me and began to walk toward my family, an my friend jasmine jump on him and began to beat him an kick him an he laid on the ground covering his head. I told jasmine to stop an the guy got up an quickly began to walk away. I began to yell an curse him out as he walked away. He turned back again this time very serious than he was before an I approached in quickly as my dad ran down to back me up. He raised the knife with the look of death in his eyes as we walked toward him yelling an swearing at him. As he stood there slightly crouched ready to stab one of us, his eyes moving back in forth between me and my dad, as my sister an mother went back into the house, for a short seconds I could feel fear from him and see it in his eyes. He moved the knife and I put my hands up ready to defend myself, and he slit his throat, twice. He collapsed as blood spilled on the the concrete ground that his limp body now laid on. We all stood there for a moment an took in what had just happened. I took a breathe an walked to my door to check on my mom an sister, as the door opened an my sister eagerly trying to see what happened. I told her to go back inside. I stood at my front door processing what just occurred and kept thinking to my self. He killed himself and I watched him die.