Linchpin Mathews and his nordic tribal warriors

Date: 5/30/2020

By lucid Bushugi

Chief Mathews (Geoff Pierson) from the show Dexter was some linchpin, mob guy. One of his associates in a lower classification was trying to hide me from him. If he didn’t... I wouldve been killed. He hid me under a blanket and I could barely breath. It was one of the most scariest and uncomfortable feelings ever. Mathews eventually found me, but I had a gun so I shot him and then ran off of the boat we were on. Next thing I know, his men are chasing me. But the thing is, im now in some cold, dark, mountainous tundra and his men were now an ancient tribe of norse warriors. It was daytime but the storm clouds were so thick that weather and time were equally nonexistent... it felt like I entered into Helheim—norse hell. Seriouslly, thats exactly what it felt and looked like. So, Mathews men were a nordic tribe who were chasing me in order to capture me and do god knows what—probably torture and kill me. I was with another person too, I’m pretty sure it was a lady. There were these obscure, cube-like structures with ancient books within them that i rearanged to make steps for us so that we can continue further into this altudious cavern up ahead. Before we could enter, the nordic tribe made themselves known by calling out to us. I got the drift that they were highly offended by the mere fact that I touched the sacred book structures, and so they began to charge. I didnt look their way, and instead, took the lady and ran into the cavern. For all I know, they could’ve been throwing flaming spears and shooting explosive arrows towards us. I wonder if this story-like dream ended badly. What do you think?