Date: 5/22/2019
By Paaris09
I remember seeing my brother with me and we were going to our neighbors house in front of us because she has stolen a lot of our things. A blanket and boxes with things that I had recently had brought back with me from college. We started fighting with her about our things being stolen and she was saying they were hers. Then she disappeared and we took all of our things back to our house. Next thing I remember we were inside my brother and I's old middle school coach and explaining to him how this lady was stealing our things and how she invaded our property. We were driving in a narrow and very sharp road and next thing I remember is telling him to be careful and we crash. Everything goes black and when I wake up I feel pain all over my body and I turn around to look at my brother and he looked fine besides bleeding from his head. He looks at me shocked and says you'll be okay, I promise. And my dream ends there.