Date: 1/4/2018
By pheeniealexandra
Dream: ocean, small boats. With someone I loved -a boy- michael perhaps. But really who he was was insignificant. He was teaching me a concept. We were at his family's home, like his childhood home. And his dog he grew up with was on his last leg of life. It was sad and he was growing to accept that. We're on these little boats, playing games with his friends and dog in the shallower parts. As the day got later we went further out into the water. And each time we went out further, I recognized that it was a new ecosystem with even MORE life than the one before. And each one was related, and starting with his dog - a creature he loved and adored and I I realized if you loved one creature you loved all the creatures because everything is connected. And then it was dark and I was looking at the stars above the ocean and the bioluminescent life in the sea and noticing the aesthetic similarities and feeling somewhat small but also knowing that because I loved one single part (this boy, and therefore his dog) I loved every single part as well. And at some point his friends go out even deeper into the ocean to play a game but he holds back because his dog can't swim that far anymore, so we turn back. And for some reason my mom is there or maybe she just says this out of nowhere, but she comments on how "he doesn't want to be a part of that nonsense" (being further on the water later at night) but really the reason was just to spend as much time with his dying dog ! And um I felt a cool love and understanding for the universe and all the creatures in it.