Date: 12/18/2016
By Emilian
This is one of those dreams where I though it was a game. There seemed to be two sides in this game, and it looked like almost everyone else wasn't taking it very seriously either . Events would happen in the game inexplicable. Each night you knew without being told that for whatever reason one side was set the win, just because they where "supposed to". Throughout the game I kept hearing people refer to each other based on language group or nationality. I didn't know what my group was allied but I knew we were against the Germanic, or Anglo-Saxon group. My group had been doing great, but suddenly as the Germans launched a full scale attack against my team, I realized the game was supposed to mirror real life events in some ways. At some point during his "game" live guns where added, but since it was a dream it didn't seem like a huge change, it hardly meant anything to me. The real change is that within the dream the events became "real" as opposed to being what my dream self though was a "game". (DREAMSEPTION) It al became real and at this point I was called upon to leave the Slavic group (I'm actually Polish so when this little fact of which team I was one was revealed to me it made sense to me) I was then somehow added to the German side. I remember that while I was against the German type I was used to winning all these events, but also some losses. While in the German team the tide seems to have shifted and now they won the majority of these events or battles. At one point orders were coming in through a speaker when everyone was sitting out in the trenches (so ww1 maybe?) The noise from the radio is so loud that someone yells to turn it off so no one will know our location. I dashed to the station (which is now in the middle of my living room and not outside in muddy trenches) and grab the radio, I try to make it stop and end up pulling out a bronze card 💳 from it that finally makes it stop broadcasting. However next thing I know my living room tv is one and a commander is telling me that I've taken out a critical part of the machine and that I've damage it. He tells me I must now put the card back in or else I will have destroyed all the orders we where supposed to have received. So I crouch down behind my couch to protect myself. from allied fire. Protecting the card. While also trying to figure out how Im going to stand up and get back into the middle of the living room to put the card back in the radio which is currently inside a barrage of cross fire. I try and succeed. I don't remember how I just did. However, when I put the card in I must have damaged it some how because the orders are not playing. A 40yr old man comes struggling twords me on the ground with a gun. He is a Nazi too. He tells me that since the card had not worked he must kill me to insure that the allies think it worked and that I died putting it in. There seems to be an understanding between us because I agree. he tried to wait to see if high command will take back the orders to kill me but they do not so he must shoot, he's been waited too long anyways. He is about to shoot my leg before I point him towards my abdomen and and say "I died honorably" he seems to understand and shoots at my abdomen instead (which is strange because shooting me in the leg would have sucked way more and his orders were to kill me, maybe our "understanding look" was that he'd given me a chance to be a prisoner and maybe live then to outright die. If this is the case damn is dream me a fighter or what). I feel nothing when he shoots me, BUT just then the card begins to work and the man looks at me bewildered, yelling at me to save myself since it now seems I am allowed to live since it has begun working. I run out of the living room all while asking my Dad, who is lounged on a chair in his den right off the main living room, how to say "help me" in German he told me it was "geil-" (Event though the word was longer, all I could remember when I woke up was geil, I looked it up and this apparently means "hot" in German) something which is not true at all, but hey. Dream logic. Also I have no explanation for why the nazi Germans in my dream couldn't actually speak German, and why I couldn't speak German either. Maybe this is ww3. Next I head upstairs and found no one here to help me even as I try to heal the wound over and over. I see an allied man downstairs who is a priest, and momentarily think about asking him to help me, he seems too religious to hurt me despite the fact that I'm on the other side. My Eyes are pleading as I look at him from the top of the stairs slumped against the wall. He looks back with stone cold hatred so I hobble myself out to leave and find a car. While waiting outside my officer had apparently called me to tell me a woman should pick me up to take care of the injury I'd gotten. A reall good looking women, who directly resembles the black bones red lipstick wearing one off my instagram pulls up in a nice looking (hella expensive) car and told me to get in. I am partially in thought the window and ask her to go quickly I have been holding my side since I was hit to keep in Blood. I continue to ask her to drive faster and faster while I pull myself more into the car. She goes down the familiar areas of my neighborhood where I tell her to slow down a bit she smiles and says she was already on it. I apologize for being over bearing when it seems she would have to know what she's doing to get the job she has. (DocWagon anyone) I look down at my white legs, which are showing for some reason, and then woke up as soon as I saw all the blood on them.