School shooter

Date: 7/27/2018

By alicia_retro

So I have this on going dream about a school shooter/bomber. In the last dream a gun went off at school and everyone started running to the doors to leave. No one knows who shot the gun but while I running through the door I made direct eye contact with this y’all white guy white thinking back kinda looks like “cufboys” from YouTube but way scarier He smiled at me and watched me pass him while didn’t move. I’m not sure how I knew this but I I knew he was the shooter and I KNOW he knew that I knew. I don’t remember anything else if that dream. Just now I had the same dream except a BOMB went s off at the school and the same thing happened we all ran to a door and I saw the shooter/bomber again. This time I ran away from that door and tried to run to another door but every time I tried to run he was like 50 feet infront of me walking towards me. All of the students at the school and he was just targeting me. But there were other shooters at the school too. They planned the bombing together and it became apparent that all the bombers picked a students to target and follow like they all picked a candidate. Eventually I escaped I guess because the next part of the dream I was at home watching the new about the school bombing and how it was a fucking coalition of people doing this. My cousins who where not at all concerned that this was MY SCHOOL and I WAS THERE just went back to what they were doing which is what the normally do in my dreams. I knew that when I went back outside that the white guys was going to find me but I risked it anyway (