New York subway ride - creepy

Date: 7/24/2020

By proxie

I had a dream I was in New York with my mom and Gwen and we were at this hotel with a bunch of smaller and run down rides themed as subways. I remember getting into one and feeling super off and then, I saw something or heard something strange, the dream didn’t tell me what it was. I told Gwen and my mom and no one believed me. On the way back to the room, we passed by an office with a blonde and attractive man working there. His name was Solomon. Immediately, Gwen was fascinated with him and I got extremely weirded out and concerned by him and the situation. We went back to the hostel where we stayed with our group chat, and a bunch of polish ppl. Everyone wanted to go to her immediately, but me and Gwen wanted to party but no one would buy use alcohol. After a while everyone stole our blanket and slumped tf out. I woke up around 9:30 to the polish ppl in the hostel having breakfast. This was stuff during the pandemic, so they didn’t offer us to go to the downstairs area where their huge family was having more food. Me and Gwen went back to the rides and found this house, it felt like a dream in a dream. This house was empty and very dusty. I remember leaving my stuff at the house because we were gonna go on the subway themed ride again. This time, it felt even more creepy, and the time I got off, I couldn’t find Gwen. Her stuff was still in the dusty little house, so I looked around for her. The dream then took the POV of Gwen in the house while I was on the ride. Solomon had an interest in Gwen and Gwen was drawn to his house. She kept in communication with him throughout the trip, and kept it secret from me. When Gwen met his maid, she was super nice to her, until she turned Gwen into a rat and the house cat chased after her. Gwen tried to run to Solomon but he laughed, and then she tried to fight the cat with her barer Rat hands. Then I woke up.