Like Nothing Happened

Date: 11/23/2016

By RobTheTank

I finally decided to share this one. Last night I had a dream where I was angry at someone. But I had my revenge. I was an astronaut / scientist. It was in the future. I was mad at a guy & we were on some base on the planet Uranus. In real life Uranus is freezing cold & has an atmosphere of toxic chemicals. Once the guy I was mad at & I were outside our base in our spacesuits, I took his helmet off. Because our base was somewhat stable he didn't die within about a minute & a half like he would have in real life. No, I took his helmet off & watched him suffer for about half an hour. I said something to him which I've since forgotten. But the just of it was something like, "I told you I'd get you back for that." After he died I was suddenly in Scotland (I've never been there in real life; always wanted to visit) & I was in a log-cabin hotel in a lush-green grassy field surrounded by hills. I was admiring the wildlife & a fox came up to me like a pet dog (foxes are of the canine species by the way) & I petted the fox like a pet dog & told it how good it was. The rest of the dream I was just exploring the hotel. I do remember actively thinking about the poor guy I killed earlier though.