tw: rape, kidnapping, unwanted pregnancy

Date: 10/15/2018

By icarus

I had been working in a thrift store, managing the books section when I heard something weird come from outside. earlier that day, my coworkers and I got into an argument and they hated me so I didnt tell them there was something outside and that I was going to check it out. I got outside and it was dark, I was looking around cars that were close to the entrance of the store and when I turned to go back inside, a man grabbed me. he pushed me against the wall of the building and pressed a knife to my throat saying if I said a word, he wouldn't hesitate to kill me so I covered my mouth with my hand to keep quiet because I didn't want to die. he proceeded to rip off my pants and rape, once he was done he said "I like you" and left. I stood there with his cum dripping out of me and crying. once I was as okay as I could be, I pulled my pants back on and went back to work. people asked if I was okay, and I just told them I was fine, there were just some family issues. then I clocked out and went home. a few months later, I gave birth to a little girl and the years went by and I pretty much forgot that I was raped despite my daughter being a product of it. one morning when I woke up, I had a killer headache and was in a truck. I panicked and tried to figure out where I was but the moving made the headache worse. I heard a deep, gravelly laughter right next to me and slowly opened my eyes just to see the man that raped me. I panicked because I was worried about my daughter and there she was in the back seat, stil asleep. I felt relieved but I was also terrified as to what might happen. i stayed quiet the entire ride. we reached an abandoned motel, where he told me to get out and grab my daughter and the backpacks in the back seats with her. I grabbed the bags and my daughter, which woke her up. she told me that her head head hurt and that she was hungry. I told her "I know, we'll get something to eat and help with her headache in just a minute." I followed the man into one of the motel rooms and awaited further instruction. he chuckled and looked at me just standing there," what an obedient little cunt, I knew I liked you." I pressed my daughters ears so she couldn't hear what he said and realized that he had a rather thick southern accent. his hair was brown with some grey, his stubble was the same way. his nose was a little crooked, probably from it being broken multiple times. he looked 40 maybe 50, and about 6'3. his flannel shirt was ill fitted and his pants were held up by a belt. "there's two bedrooms right next to each other, put the kid in one and go sit in the other." I turned to the bedroom doors and he started speaking again," oh and you might want to leave her a note and lock the door." I could hear the smug grin in his voice and I felt tears well up in the corners of my eyes. I dropped my daughter off in one room, she had woken up a bit more and was complaining about how she was hungry and how she had a headache again, I told her that I know and that I was gonna get something to help. she asked where we were and I didn't know what to say, so I just said "i'll get you some medicine and some food, okay? I'll be back in just a bit." and left the room, shutting the door behind me. the man heard me and said," I told you to go wait in the other room." he sounded very upset and I almost went to the other bedroom, but I didn't. "ava would like something to eat and some medicine for her headache," my voice was small and quiet, I wasn't even sure if he had heard me. my heart was beating like a drum in my chest, not knowing if he was going to let me give those things to her. he was quiet for a little bit before. saying "theres medicine in the bathroom and some food in the cabinets" I mumbled a quiet thank you sir before heading off to get those things but he stopped me halfway to the bathroom saying," speak louder." my face burned red and I felt my throat tighten, my words coming out in only a whisper. before I knew what was happening, he pushed me into one of the walls, my back facing him. the night of my rape came back in full, vivid memory, his knife to my neck and his mouth to my ear, his scruff scratching my skin. "what did I tell you to fucking do, cunt." I started hyperventilating, words coming out with a stutter," you-yo-you said t-to spe-ak lo-lou-louder." the tears that had been building up, started falling and he licked my cheek that was damp from the tears. "now, tell me what you said, and speak louder, bitch" he hissed in my ear. I dug my nails into the wall. "tha-tha-thank yo-u, si-sir" my breath kept getting caught in my chest as my entire body started shaking. he chuckled behind me and bit my neck. I opened my mouth to scream but nothing came out. his arm snaked around my waist and up my shirt, slowly making its way to my chest where he squeezed my breast. a squeak pushed through my throat, making the man laugh. when his mouth released from my neck I could feel blood being soaked into my shirt. "you little slut, I knew you would like rough," he laughed again, holding me tighter, then leaning back down to my ear," that's just a little preview of what's gonna happen tonight and until forever." he let me go and slapped my ass," now get the shit for our ava." my heart stopped at the word "our" when in reference to Ava. I forced myself to to move and grab the food and medicine for her before returning to her room. she took the medicine and ate some before becoming drowsy and falling back asleep. I regretfully parted from her and went to the other bedroom when a set of revealing lingerie was laying on the bed. my face instantly burned as I checked to make sure I was alone before slowly putting it on. I got under the covers to hide myself from him when he entired. he didn't come in for awhile and it was getting dark. I layed down and shut my eyes, hoping to fall asleep, but my body corsed with anxiety wouldn't allow me any rest. the clock read 1:47am when I heard the bedroom door open, I layed still, hoping he'd think I was alseep and there for leave me alone. "get up bitch, I know you're not sleeping." my body twiched when he turned the light on, my eyes not used to the bightness stayed shut as I sat up, still covering myself with the blanket. it took a little bit for my eyes to adjust, just to see him covered in blood. my stomach turned at the sight and I froze, my eyes wide in fright. at first I thought it he had killed Ava so I bolted up to the door that connected the bedrooms but his words stopped me. "you wouldn't want her to see you like that now would you?" I gulped, thankful she was still alive. I turned to face him, covering myself as best as I could. "what did you do?" my hands were shaking as I looked at his chest, too afraid to see him list filled eyes. he saunterd towards me, pulling out his knife again that was also thick with blood, some of it dried some of it still wet. "I was getting bored so I went and slaughtered some people at a gas station. god I wish you were there, you would've been there crying and screaming and telling me to stop. fuck just thinking about making you kill someone and getting blood all over you skin as you sob like a bitch gets me so hard." he rubbed himself through his jeans before unbuttoning his pants and pulling his cock out. "now get on your knees, whore." I kept my head down as tears streamed down my face, getting on my knees just as he had asked. "look at me bitch" I slowly looked up, trying not to make eye contact with him. "good girl," he moaned, all ready jerking himself off to the sight. "do you have any idea how long I've waited for this? it took all might not to just take you and leaving our baby there crying." I whimpered at the thought, a hatred boiling in me every time he referred the Ava as also being his daughter. "a few times I crawled through the window and just touched you. you always got so wet so fast, and your moans, fuck they drove me crazy! I almost took you there and then. my favorite times were when you barely wore anything, you looked so inviting." he shoved my head down on his cock, keeping me in place no matter how much I fought." those days I would cum in your panties, making sure to finger it up there." I cried at the description of what he would do to. me in my sleep, hearing that he's been watching me the entire time. the rest of he night passed like that. him fucking me and retelling the stories of him fucking other girls but calling out my name, him stealing articles of my clothing, occasionally breaking in when I was home and awake, silently hoping that I'd catch him so he could fuck me again. at one point, he shoved his cock inside me and said "this time, let's try for a boy." the days had passed, turning into months. I still wasn't able to tell Ava the entirety of the story about why she was stuck there with me. I thought about all the what ifs and why didn't i's. and he stuck to his promise about fucking every night.