Important dates, Bitten by snake & I'm not gonna be Cinderella

Date: 11/17/2017

By GoldenApple

It was summer, christmas, 17th of May and someones birthday at the same time. It was warm and sunny outside. I went over to the shop, they had a great selection of ice cream and christmas calendars. I specificly look for banana flavored ones and there was one mixed with chocolate, but no pure banana, so I give up and get a bunch mixed with the chocolate. I grab some christmas calendars and then a Norwegian flag for 17th of may. The cashier was crowded with people and I discovered they were all there to sing happy birthday for the young lady working there. She made everyone wait since she was in a phone call, she hung up and they all started singing and I awkwardly joined in and I could tell they were all thinking:"why is this random person singing with us?" By the time it was my turn to pay, my ice cream had melted so I had to switch them out with cold ones. I handed out some ice cream to my siblings. I sat down on the grass and a small black tiny noodle looking snake came along, it was cute and I picked it up, but it bit me so I quickly let it go. I panicked since it felt like someone was pressing something hot to my skin, melting it, but I quickly calmed down like nothing had happen. [dream skip] I was at my uncles place from my mom's side, but only uncle, his wife, kids and grandma was there. I was hiding downstairs because I dont like any of them. They had given me bags of clothes and expected me to sort and fold their clothes and throw away the filthy old ones. As I was doing that I heard something behind the door, I open it and two frogs jumped out of a filthy tank that they were supposed to live in as pets. My uncle came down and they jumped out the open window. "Are you just going to let them go?" I ask because he doesnt do anything. He tells me they were supposed be thrown outside anyway, he didnt care about them. He gives me another black bag of clothes, I look at him in disgust as he walks back upstairs. I heard them chatting and giggling. I decide that I will do what I was told, but I ended up taking the good clothes for myself and I left and I wasnt planning on coming back. Only leaving the filthy old clothes behind.