Date: 11/30/2021

By dreakee

I had a dream that he started texting me again. Thinking it was safe, I texted him back. He ended up calling me on discord and I answered. I saw him there for a second and then he grabbed the phone and walked with it. I saw his mom. I forgot what she looked like, so I think my subconscious really just made up what she looked like. She showed me how she had been collecting screenshots as evidence and asked for me to smile because she was taking pictures of the video chat too. In this dream, he had a brother around his age and I ended up catching a ride with some friends downtown to go to a party or something. We ended up going to his house to try and settle this all down because she said she wanted to meet me and wanted to hear my side of the story if I was ready to tell her. I was so scared because I wasn’t ready and it was all unexpected. I ended up sneaking around his house to use the bathroom for some reason and then I came out and talked to his brother. I pulled out a cigarette and started smoking it (I don’t smoke cigarettes) and I heard his mom coming and I was gonna throw it out the window. I ended up in my cousin’s room. My older cousin was shocked that I would throw a cigarette out, and my little cousin grabbed it, tapped it out the window and put it in my purse, where I had half burnt joints I’d forgotten about. I really wanted to change into a different outfit, but I didn’t have any time. I imagined it in my head and I had the outfit I wanted on. Looking out the window, I saw college students lined up for an ice cream truck, which was playing its song. I watched as they all made a big line down the street. I vaguely remember leaving the house after the mother or father saw me and so I ran with my friends down the street as fast as I could, making turns so that the cops wouldn’t know where I went. Then I woke up.