Date: 1/7/2017
By lucid Bushugi
i was with my dad in some place I've never seen before. it was kinda like mars but more of an earth like environment, lots of hills of sand. i wen out to dirt bike (there might have been another reason why i went outside). i was having ode fun with this dirt bike, i would go off a hill like a ramp and land it. when i got back to where i was staying, my dad said that there is someone here trying to kill everyone. i told him that we need to leave. he said that we need to find a gas station for gas and i spotted a sign that said pizza hut but it was a deli. we went in, i only had 2$ to spend so i looked for cheap snacks. most of the snacks i got were under a dollar. i remember something being 49 cents and a candy box for 9 cents. i bought it and forgot what happened after. i saw some girls there that i thought I've seen before