Shop and Zombies

Date: 12/14/2018

By nolan_truth

I was in some sort of shop selling clothes, one of those small, but street shops you see that are extremely narrow, but quite fancy. I'm not sure what I was doing there, but suddenly, something like a bomb exploded, knocking everyone down. I ordered all the walking wounded to exit the shop so that the first responders would have a head start on triage. Annoyingly, some people exited the shop as directed, but realized they left something behind, so people were coming in and out of the shop, adding to the confusion of the scene. However, I noticed one old lady, who was walking slowly towards the door, get pulled under a set of shelves by an arm emerging from underneath it. I tried to help her, but was too late. As I left the shop as the paramedics arrived, an arm reached out for my leg from under the same shelf under which the lady had been pulled. It was the lady's arm. *dream skips* The army had set up some kind of barricade on a field. A first line of defense with some soldiers with rifles by a few czech hedgehogs, in front of a series of what looked like steep skateboard ramps. At the apex of every ramp stood a line of soldiers. The spaces between the individual ramps were filled with water for some reason up to the tops of the ramps. I made to the back of the defense. There I found one of my childhood friends and classmate up through high school manning a position. We exchanged greetings. We could see zombies scaling the ramps a few sets away, despite the best efforts of the soldiers. I grabbed a tommy gun and some en bloc ammunition from a supply table behind us. As the zombies reached our position, my friend jumped in the water and started fighting the zombies hand to hand. I did my best to shoot at them whenever a clear shot arose. All the zombies were killed, and somehow, my friend was not bitten. Another friend showed up, and remarked on the usage of mechanical pencil lead as ammunition.