
Date: 1/21/2019

By JillMagdalene

I was at a backyard barbecue ( in a garage) for Sarah Stackhouse Scott and her dad was a minister priest with a nametag on at the head of gray picnic table, right of me. and he knew who I was he had thick brown facial hair, mustache and beard with feminine facial features and he put up a black hood and looked like a transgender, but wasn't and knew about my facial hair and ( questioning why I wasnt like him) insinuated that I was wife of God, I said "I'm the mother of God!" and he shrieked in Surprise and astonishment. I wrote my name on my hand. He was overcome and we traded scripture. Sarah's sister Becky was there, I talked to her first ( like named Ella) across from me and she was chubby, gave me her information on a small piece of paper, she was a nun. daylight Irene