Talking to my subconscious lucidly

Date: 3/21/2021

By Gugu_Matias

I woke up 7 am with a bunch of noise from the street, I checked it out and got back to sleep. I’m at school, doing normal stuff, however one really annoying history teacher from my past was teaching something. He stopped what he was doing to ask if I was dating one girl from school, and how she was doing. In real life she’s not even in my state anymore, but in the dream she was in the seat right next to me, so I told him to ask her and that we’re only friends. He asked her something, but she ignores him. My classroom is now a gym. One guy told me that the gym was running out of water and told me to check it out in the water fountain, and so I did. The gym coach appears immediately to tell me that what I did was wrong and I was owning him 56 bucks. I got really mad and told him I’m not paying that, and that I’d sell water bottles for really cheap there (what can I say, I’m a businessman). I decided to leave the class/gym. I’m walking in the streets when I see a familiar face (a girl from my old school that was really cute) and decide to follow her, because she was supposed to be in Australia now. She leads me to a beautiful mansion, I enter there, but I can’t find her anywhere. That’s when I knew I was dreaming. So I decided to beat my meat and wake up. However that’s was a false awakening and I noticed it. I felt really bad for wasting a lucid dream with this kinda of stuff so I decided to do something I always wanted to do since I read about it on this app. I wanted to talk to me, my subconscious to be exact. So I start my journey to find myself. I try to open and close doors to change scenarios saying “when I open this door, my subconscious will be there”. The rooms changed, but what I wanted wasn’t there. Then I had an amazing idea, I’d go to a mirror and talk to myself. The mirror made a bunch of copies of me, and none of those talked to me. I was almost giving up, but when I saw my sister I decided to ask her if she was my subconscious, she said no. So I asked if she could take me to it, surprisingly she said yes. She did the same door technique, but now it worked. The new room was now an office, with two monitors and a bunch of papers in the table. It was kinda dark and no other person was there the besides me and my sister. If remember correctly I touched one one the papers on the table and it took me to an old memory I didn’t remember I had. I wonder if that was my memory palace and the way it represents my subconscious had to say a lot about me. After those events someone enter the room, she was a gorgeous lady. She told me she was a goddess, however I woke up with a fly buzzing in my ear before I could understand the situation. It was really interesting dream for me, and I’m definitely trying to do it again! What do you think it meant?

AI generated interpretation Based on your dream, there are several key themes and symbols that can be analyzed and interpreted: 1. Noise from the street: This noise may represent external distractions or disruptions that are affecting your ability to rest and find peace. It could suggest that you are currently dealing with some external stressors or disturbances in your waking life. 2. The annoying history teacher: This figure from your past may represent an authority figure or a person who had a significant impact on you in the past. This teacher's intrusive question about your relationship status with a girl from school may symbolize a desire for validation or approval from others regarding your personal life. 3. The gym coach and the water fountain: The gym coach's demand for payment symbolizes a financial obligation or a sense of owing someone. The water fountain running out of water may represent a feeling of scarcity or lack in some aspect of your life. Your decision to sell water bottles at a low price indicates your resourcefulness and determination to find solutions to challenges. 4. The familiar face leading you to a mansion: The girl from your old school represents a possibility or opportunity that you may have thought was out of reach or impossible to attain. The mansion symbolizes the allure and grandeur of this opportunity. However, upon entering the mansion and not finding the girl, it may suggest that this desire or goal may not be as fulfilling or attainable as you initially believed. 5. Lucid dreaming and talking to your subconscious: Lucid dreaming represents your awareness and control within the dream state. Your desire to talk to your subconscious suggests a curiosity about exploring your own thoughts, desires, and motivations. The difficulty in finding your subconscious, despite trying various methods, indicates that understanding your deepest self may require patience and persistence. 6. The office and the goddess: The office with the two monitors and papers represents a realm of knowledge and insight within yourself. This could suggest that your subconscious is associated with intellect, analysis, and deep introspection. The appearance of the goddess may symbolize an encounter with a powerful and divine aspect of yourself or a higher knowledge that you are seeking to understand. Overall, this dream may indicate a desire for self-discovery, understanding, and personal growth. It suggests that you are exploring your own thoughts, desires, and motivations, and that you may be encountering obstacles and challenges along the way. It could be a reflection of your current state of mind and your quest for greater self-awareness and fulfillment.