Date: 4/29/2016
By emilyassoulin
I am at a place that seems all too familiar. It is a big house with lots of land. There are several children playing on a swing set nearby watching me. For some reason i fear the children. I dont know how i know that they are evil, i just know. I go in the house, now carrying a small white dog. I leave the dog with a strange man who lives in the house. He says he will watch him for me while im away, but i never leave that house. I stand in the yard with the children as they play. I notice that one of them has blood on his face. He smiles. I then see a women in a dark room wearing no clothes. She smiles at me and starts peeling away at her skin until the muscles in her face are exposed. She then picks at the tendons and strips them from her face and eats them. She keeps doing this over and over again. I am suddenly in the yard again. I see the white dog sitting on a pillow with many other dogs. There is suddenly a road in the middle of the yard. I fear the dog will get run over. I yell at the strange man to get all the dogs inside. I wake up.