Dinosaur Beach

Date: 4/13/2018

By Jadders

I was back in my home town where the seafront is a couple of miles long. I decided to go for a walk along the seafront as I was holding some really big eggs. I walked along it for 2miles before I laid the eggs in the sand, to then carry on walking.. When I got to the end there was this weird building. So I of course done some poking around. Walking around the building is started to see it was pretty empty, but one who worked there. i asked 'Hi, am I aloud in here?' the someone replied with 'yes you are.. you are free to walk anywhere'. So I did.. I went upstairs first as i thought id start high and work my way down, when some other worker moaned at me, 'you are supposed to follow the signs'. Just so she would rip my head off I went back down and followed the signs. It was like an amazing interactive museum.. The first think i come across were some wooden planks that looked invisable at the end to fall in water. But you could still walk over them. I carried on walking through the museum as see a guy stood there, simular to a human statue. He was dressed up as a medieval solider and would dance fight to lady gaga songs. I went into another room where I had to throw earasers at an old couple who had the game guess who on their heads. I then got a phone call from my mum saying I had to run back cos other family members were coming up. On the way back home I walked the seafront way again. But now it's filled with dinosaurs.. all sorts of different species. The eggs that I had laid in the beach on the way up there had quickly hatched into fully grown adult long necked dinosaurs. It was a lovely walk home. Once I got home it turns out mum and dad had booked ticket to walk around that museum I was just in (even though I was just walking around it for free). We left to walk back up there.. I was so excited for them to see all the dinosaurs and as they did they were shocked at how many there really were.. They said they wasn't real.. I was like yes they are.. I helped to make them