Date: 12/4/2020
By Sssmorgann
Group of us (idk who but my age) in a hotel, for some reason I was trying to get away like I was annoyed or bored with them. Followed a wire fence in a war zone, army crawling, and I drew a silver dragon bird thing like Lugia x Skarmory, turns out I accidentally drew the enemy's mascot. Crawling around a long arm of fenc to double back and then head to the coast with palm trees and a cave, where there was a chef making some kinda seafood parfait or soup. But on the way I got caught with the drawing. But they weren't that mad didn't think I was a traitor. Then Richard Craig was there and idk how it happened but we just started bonin', in the war zone, I topped, he had a huge super long Wang lowkey like a horse it was weird