Blonde boy in Manchester

Date: 6/20/2020

By alejandrariv3ra

I was alone in what looked like a run down area of London but in my dream it was Manchester. I need to get to the train station to go home but don’t know where it is. I see a Morrison’s so I decide to go there and figure someone there will give me directions. As I’m at the light waiting to cross a random homeless woman comes up and starts being annoying and almost harassing me so I get aggressive and start pushing her away from me but she responds in the same manner and keeps asking for something from me. I manage to cross but she follows me into Morrison’s because she wants me to do something for her in there. Because I’m getting annoyed, I get help from these teenaged boys who work there and they’re at the bit outside the entrance where you get your shopping cart. I whisper to one so he can deal with the woman and ask another for directions. I kinda jokingly but meaning it, ask the guy to come with me. I didn’t want him there because I felt unsafe or anything but I just wanted him to come for some reason. So he jokingly is acting like it’s a bother but ends up coming with me and clocking out. We start walking and I start the conversation just asking about him and his life to break the ice. I ask about his family and other things and then I get to school, his friends and all that. When I got the Morrison’s he was chatting and laughing with the other workers our age which is why I assumed he was like good with people our age. But he tells me he doesn’t have friends in school; he says he is normal and does what I would consider normal but that because he goes to a rough school that he’s the odd one out and gets made fun of. He’s a loner but only because the other people lead worse lives than him. He also tells me he gets made fun of for not having a bum? It’s silly but it’ll be relevant later. I feel really sad hearing this and just grab his hand. The boy is a tall blonde boy with pale skin and he’s skinny. He’s not someone I’d be attracted to and I’m not but I do feel a really strong emotional connection to him. I really really care for him. Anyways we kinda both understand how we feel and go on together. I have like a fast forward moment to what I think is a moment that happens in the future of me and him in bed watching movies and I felt so comfortable with him and he was the same with me, I could tell he’d never been like this with anybody before. Our bodies fit together like a puzzle? Like that’s how I saw it in my dream. Anyways then I rewind back to the moment in time and we are walking and this path opens up a bit and there’s a basketball court next to it with a bunch of teenagers playing. I don’t really care because I assume he can’t possibly know them like what are the chances but he does. It’s a group of massive chavvy guys who immediately notice us. Being naive, I assume if we walk and don’t look it’ll be fine and they’ll leave us especially because I’m a girl so they’ll just leave him alone. But they start approaching us and I’m holding onto my boy so tight but the encircle him and he pushes me on with his hand to keep on walking. So I do but I’m going to wait for him a couple of steps away. Then the main guy out of the group cuts me off. I was holding a tub of cream at the point for some reason and he tries to knock it out of my hand and I knew he was going to do this so I was prepared and didn’t drop the tub. This made the guy really mad and set him off to take it out on my boy. I instantly regret it but I also know that I have no control if they decide to do anything violent to him. I’m too small and weak to get in the way and if I did, they’re the type of guys that would have no issue hurting me to continue so I don’t know what to do. All I can do is wait for my boy. He goes back to the group and they start hurting my friend. They start but going from behind and putting a finger in his mouth so he can’t scream from pain. Then they take both arms behind his back and do it in a way that it really hurts him. During this I’m just a couple steps away having to watch. They pull his shirt up and start doing what they called a Korean move that burnt his skin on his back. I felt so bad I just went and grabbed his hand telling him to pass the pain onto me and squeeze when it hurt. We were both just crying whilst this happened. Then they pulled down his pants and started hitting him on the bum to the point where it left marks all over (probably because he said he gets bullied for it.) At this point I woke up because i couldn’t bare to watch anymore. This dream was like watching someone I love get tortured.