Date: 7/11/2017
By MsBananaNanner
For the first one, I was Arizona. I'm not sure if this was a lucid dream or not, because in a way I did know that it was dream since I was aware of the fact I was Arizona not myself. I was okay with this though, the only thing I consciously controlled was keeping the dream going on the same plot when it tried to change. Anyway, it was as though we'd all just been brought to the Mainland at the beginning of book two. And we're trying to find places for us all to live. We looked at apartments and went to yard sales and generally wasn't that interesting. I've got my family with me, but it's my irl family, not Arizona's. they're all complaining about how much walking we're doing but I try to keep the mood optimistic. Somehow I am up in the attic of a building, which is where the washing machines are. Through my dream I've been constantly running back and forth to switch out loads, and this is nearly the last one. I switch the ones in the washer to the dryer, and I have to pour this detergent looking stuff into a teardrop hole on top of the dryer (it's a top loading one, I'm not sure how to describe it). I finish filling the washer back up too and am about to leave when the dryer lid bounces open. As the washer and dryer went, they would start rocking back and forth and the lids wouldn't latch so they kept splashing water and detergent out at me. Frantically I try to close them up, hoping no one will know that I was the one to spill several gallons of stuff on the floor. But considering it's all over me, that isn't that likely. Of course, the mayor decides to enter the attic while I'm up there fighting it, and he starts making fun of me. Eventually I get something heavy on top to hold the lids down, and return to the city. For some reason, the Mainlanders had given all the Islanders copious amounts of gummy worms, but no other food. And EVERYone had diarrhea because of it. And no one had houses yet, so it was just everywhere. It was hideous. I spent a long time helping clean it up. ... I'm at what seems like an elementary school, but is connected to a more industrial feeling side of the building. There's a kids camp going on, but I'm not working it, I'm doing something else that's in the same building. I'm walking around on my break (and at this point I'm outside of my old high school) and I see the camp leaders with their trails of kids behind them. They ask if I'll help for a minute, as they have to take all the kids down this narrow sidewalk right next to the road and don't want anyone to get hit. I'm not too thrilled about being around the kids, but I agree. Several of the kids run up to me, excited to see me. I vaguely recall having met them earlier, and that they were really nice. ... Ali has come to visit, and we're both super excited. The kids camps are still going on, and we're in the building, but again neither of us are working it. We are wandering around, finding all these cool hidden passages and stuff. We watch the kids, and spy on people, but mostly just dink around being weirdos. We sit on our phones half the time, and I keep getting mad at my stupid iPhone 4 that won't load anything. She makes fun of me. We stumble across this strange set of stairs, two flights right next to each other and both have tunnel type wall/ceilings around them. We know that it's supposed to only be used by custodial, but we sneak inside. At the bottom is a gym, and all the camp kids are running around. We watch for a bit and then get bored. Ali tells me to run back up the steps, saying "Indy's coming!" (Arizona's sister) We run up the stairs, giggling, but wind up back on the street, not the floor we'd just come from. I was very confused at this point, because when I tried to go back down, it somehow just brought me back to that exact same spot on the street. We panicked a little bit, because if we got caught using the janitor stairs bad things would happen. We run into someone on the stairs, and see that it's the mom of one of my high school classmates. She is a cyclops (??????) but really pretty and for some reason we really take note of the fact that she has a samsung not an iPhone. She leads us back to the floor we were on before and explains how the stairs work, and that one flight only goes up, and one only goes down, even though they'll both appear to go both ways. We laugh it off, hoping she won't tell anyone. She walks with us through the halls for a while, which the place feels like an abandoned mall or something but very run down. At some steps, she accidentally drops her phone and it tumbles all the way down the stairs, pretty much shattering the screen. She's quite sad. Ali and I take it as our cue to leave, and head out to the parking lot to meet up with some of our friends. A few of my friends from Costa Rica are there, Caro, Mau, and Esteban, as well as Tomas, Caleb, and Mena--who was mixed into one person with Caro, so I didn't really see her as either, and I think Remes--but he didn't say much. Mena/Caro totally had a crush on Tomas, which everyone knew, but both of them acted oblivious. We watched in amusement as they awkwardly tried to flirt and she would end up turning super red every time. I rather liked Caleb but he was too shy to talk to me much. Tomas has to leave, and once he's gone Mena/Caro is just like "UGHHHHHH HES SO CUTE THOUGH" dropping her head on the table. We all tease her about her crush. Ali gives her a pack of gummy worms to cheer her up. No one says anything and just lets her eat them.