Biomed Final

Date: 6/23/2016

By Nepetas_Legion

I was taking part of my biomed final outside for some reason. It was pouring rain so I had to move around a lot to find the perfect spot to take the final without getting wet. Feferi from Homestuck was there too, but she didn't care for obvious reasons if you've read the web comic. I finished the first page and started on the next page, but then my mechanical pencil started acting up and wouldn't work even though I had lead in it. I asked this guy if I could borrow a pencil and he said that he had one in a pencil pouch attached to a pair of crutches several feet away. I walked over to them and fished a pencil out, and as I was walking back to my stuff, I noticed a good spot to sit that was both dry and empty, so I grabbed my stuff and started to move, but as I approached the spot I noticed that it had already been taken by some people, so I went back to my original spot, which had also been taken. I spent a few minutes trying to find another good spot and continued on with the final. Soon the people around me started finishing up with their finals while I was only halfway through with mine. I started panicking and my friends said I was fine but I sure didn't feel fine. I took a bathroom break and ran into my mom who asked me if I was done with my final yet. When I said no she looked at me sternly and told me to hurry up and I told her that I had to move around a lot and it wasn't my fault that I wasn't done yet. She said that it was fine but she still looked a bit stern. I woke up before I got out of the bathroom.