Baby Baby Baby

Date: 2/11/2021

By SagittariusDreamer

I had a dream that I was pregnant. Apparently, by birth control didn't work and I didn't even know I was pregnant until I was just about due to have the baby. My stomach wasn't any different than what it is now. (And to make things worse, I was actually briefly pregnant by this person in real life, then he left me to deal with it alone so he could live with his gf. So imagine the disgust I was feeling...). Luckily, his best friend was there for me, attended the appointment with me. The doctors told me I wasn't quite ready yet, and that I should go to the cafeteria and eat first before I came back. I agreed, and me and (I'll call him Dev), headed for the cafeteria. I don't think we ever found it, but I might've eventually gotten some food in me before going back. I've never had a baby before, and therefore have no experience with the appointments, so my dream skipped to after I had the baby. I was trying to walk in the halls because we were on our way out, and my legs had a hard time holding me up. My mom and my sister were there, and my sister told my mom that I had a baby. My mom didn't believe it at first, but she ended up seeing my newborn girl in a stroller. The baby was kinda tall ngl, just a liiiittle taller than the average baby. And she was really pretty. Her eyes were a pale forest green, so pale that they looked nearly white. Her skin was light (I'm about a yellowish caramel tone, so she was lighter than me, practically white), and her hair was initially black, but turned to a longer light brown later in the dream. Now I was stuck in a predicament. I now had this baby, but nothing to care for it with. I had no money, no job, no baby clothes, and no food for her, and I'm still living with my mom. (For context, in real life, my impregnator and his gf wanted me to have the baby and offered to keep it.) So, I decided to let them have her. There was no way she could survive with me, and the first day I had her, I'd forgotten how and when to feed her. I considered breast feeding, but I was too nervous because my sister was there. My sister eventually fed her, although it was the wrong way (putting the powdered Similac directly into her mouth). I tried to find a suitable name for her. I decided to name her after some thing I saw in a cartoon in my dream, but I can't think of what it was. It was 6 letters. It was a bottle of a potion or powder of sorts, but when the bottle broke on the ground, it caught fire, though that has nothing to do with the name. After forgetting the name twice in the dream, I decided to name her Janice or Janet. The names still didn't feel right though. I felt it was right for her to have my last name and a first name of my choosing, and I'd give her father the opportunity to contribute by letting him choose her middle name. I wanted her to have mine, but I'd be gracious. Throughout the entire dream, I kept trying to figure out how to unblock him from Facebook or messenger in order to text him and tell him we were coming. Later that day, we drove to the airport. As we were driving up Market Street, we spotted two of our family members and one of them was holding a rifle. They were arguing on the sidewalk, and we stopped the car to watch. My mom looked away for a second, and our family members started fighting right in the middle of the sidewalk, one of them trying to wrestle the rifle out of the other's hands and causing it to start shooting rounds. Crowds of people were running and both me and mom ducked down in the car. When the police came, we covered one of the the guys wearing what looked like blue scrubs, telling them that he didn't have anything to do with it, and they moved on. We eventually got to the airport, and I saw my cousin a few seats ahead of us to the left. She was on her way back home to Wisconsin (and it wouldn't make sense for us to be on the plane because the baby's dad only lives about a 30 minute drive away). Anyways, things get a little blurry here, there was probably just a timeskip. I ended up in some building with my daughter, trying to find her dad probably. This was more like some abandoned school or business than a house. Suddenly, these guys started chasing after us, wanting to take my baby away from me because she was beautiful and would bee beautiful when she grew up. They were probably going to sell her, or worse, so I made sure they didn't catch me. I practically flew down all of the steps in the stairwell, making it back outside to the car where my mom and oldest sister were waiting for me. I yelled for them to start the car and drive, and we quickly left without hesitation. I don't think I ever managed to get in touch with her dad.