Date: 4/9/2019
By larrybestboi
So this dream started in a world called plain. It was me , my brothers, and my mom . In a very small house. But we all loved each other. I had the most amazing friends of my life time .and I had a dog. Her / his name was Keyoto. So one day at school , we had an assembly. All of my friends where sitting next to me. Mingho (from seventeen but like 10 year old form) was sitting next to me and on the other side was my friend Isabela. She had maroon colored hair and would ALWAYS where dreeses. But she still was not afraid to run through the mud. Then there was Ben . Ben was very short, but was still our best frind. He loved guns and action figures. The plain world was just like our regular world . It had an airport, play grounds, a hood area. And schools . I wasn't really the popular one in school so I got bullied a lot . All of us had Amazing, top tear grades. Even tho I was the one who was bad at math. All of us would all ways play together. But Mingho was my BFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF He would get picked on just cuz he was Asian. He was born in china and raised there for five years . Then he came to America. His father also is very abbuseve and his mom kept him . But his mom is in the hospital and his dad is in jail for trying to stab his mom. Isabela would Never get picked on cuz she was the most Beautiful girl in school. ( Based on the boys) so She would stand up to the boys that bully Mingho. So people would think there dateing. Ben is just from dellawhere. I would get teased a both. I live in a small house . And i have no dad. I also would bring Keyoto with me EVERYWHERE. Cuz I had a medical condition that required it. My hole friends would stick up for me because they are my friends. After the assembly we all went to the buss. All of us where on a buss . We where going home cuz we lived in the same area. But instead the hood people and there older brother . Hijacked the buss . Keyoto then started yelping. They took the bus and then took it to a new world outside of plain. This world was called . The hood world. (cuz we have world that are in space instead of individual countries) it probably won't make sense. The hood kids gave as Bomb s and wanted us to throw it at buildings. All of my friends except for Ben kept it . Ben was throwing them everywhere. After they ran out of bombs. Mingo, Isabela aand I gave our bombs to Ben . We then as we where going back on the buss . I saw my dad. He was getting hand cuffs put on him. Mingho then let me cry on him while to other hood kids where teasing me about it . Isabela and Ben where fighting back for me . My dog was trying to do its medical conditioning routines . But the bullies kept pushing it away We all got back to our houses and Mingho was at my house for dinner. We told my mom EVERYTHING . My mom says That we will have a going away party cuz she has some friends that would take me and Mingho if his mom says its ok . There house is really big and they have two kids. A boy and a girl. So mingho and I snuck out of school to go meet my mom at the airport wich was next to the school. We whised our friends goodbye but we could call them anytime and then we tiptoed to the exit in the cafeteria. We met up with my mom she then took us all the way to the airport. Where we got our bags and then took off . We went to a world called plain. There was the mantion which was our new house. We and a bunch of apartments . A gass station. And a food mart. And a very big school. And a woods area.We met our new family and the kids. We unpacked on our new room. And played outside with the kids all afternoon. The next few weeks where awesome. A month later before Mingho and I where about to go to school. Things got worse . Our new parents started fighting but it was really bad. Just Mingho and I event on a walk with Keyoto. We first went to look at the amparments. We then walked in the woods and sat on a big rock and looked at the sunset together. while walking there we saw a piece of paper that said . KEYOTO GOES TO SPACE. We both laughed. Before we stood up to go to the house to sleep . Mingho kissed me on the foehead and then we walked home with both if us blushing.