Date: 11/1/2016
holy shit. this is completely fantastic. at first everything is racing so fast because all I want to do is fly, then I start to slow down and the dream world changes. its like I can feel, taste, and take drugs. dream drugs. I met a girl. at first I wanted to try and have sex with her but then realized she was missing her mom so we found her mom. I was in a movie theater and found some kids I knew I shouldn't have been hanging around and I asked one of an that I could speak his language with about a girl. he told me to go to a park, and all of a sudden I was let go into a trap of red and blue sirens that caught two other people but I was cool. I met up with the kids on drugs and had pill bottles and I took some. a handful. they sped me up. it was crazy. I took some others and they brought me down. is this it? the world of lucid dreaming people speak of in whispers? its freaking incredible. don't fight in this world. I ended up in a trash future fast food joint where I was surrounded so to speak by these little kids that worked there and they stared at me, then I got this realistic cramp in my foot and it was so bad that I started to pull out of the dream and that was it. fuckin crazy.