Date: 5/6/2016
By kylebolender
I went over to joses house cause we were gonna go to the show at Leyla's. When I got there, his room looked completely different. He had a framed picture of this weird creature on his wall. I asked him if he was ready to go to the show and he said he didn't really wanna go anymore. There was a big rally at IU because the school was gonna start making students pay to take final exams. I saw this dude skateboarding on 10th street near teter. and I asked him if I could try something. I wanted him to start skating and I was going to run and jump on the back of his skateboard and try to stay on while he skated. We tried it and it ended up with us both falling over into the street. We both got out of the street seconds before a car would have hit us. I looked at him and he looked like he was in pain. He lifted his shirt and he had a cut on his side. I said sorry and he told me we needed to stop the bleeding. He had just gone shopping so he had a new shirt in a bag. He took out the new shirt and told me to use this to stop the bleeding. I was hesitant because it was a new shirt but I used it anyways. The guy said "oh no, there's a man coming towards us with a gun". I looked up and I saw the lead singer of Video Grave walking towards us wearing a suit and holding a pistol. I got scared for a second but he put the gun in his pocket and I concluded that it was a toy gun and that he was just dressed up in a costume and that gun was part of that. The guy who was skateboarding started walking away and I told him I was sorry but he didn't say much back and seemed mad. I was in Florida at the time share we went to for spring break. This time though I was with Jeremy and Antoine. We were packing up to get ready to leave. I took a video with my phone to send to the guys I went on spring break with. I was at this big convention with a lot of people that I know (and some that I didn't). I looked over and saw a black family that I used to know when I was super young - like 5 maybe. They said hi to me and asked to take a picture with me. I put my arms around them to take a picture and smiled, but no one was taking a picture. We were just standing there smiling. Tyler came over and saw some papers that a little boy from that family had set down. He opened it up and saw that it was a spelling practice paper from his school. He wrote over and over: "The food of my room". Tyler was laughing because he thought it sounded dumb. I looked back at it though and it said "the food fo my room". 'Of' was misspelled but I didn't think much of it.