
Date: 1/9/2017

By comatose-dreamer

My family and I were trying to sell some of our old furniture on eBay and we had it all stored at a facility before it gets transferred to the buyer. We found out that some people stole the furniture and my parents were trying to sort the issue out. I was trying to sleep in my room and some sounds outside my door woke me up and I saw one of my guy friends walking towards my bed. I felt so scared and panicking because I couldn't recognize him at first in the darkness. After he said who he was, I was so relieved and I had to hug him to calm down. My sister came in to see what was going on and she was also starting to panic due to not being able to see him in the darkness. After that, he found out about the furniture issue and wanted to know the whole story. After I told him, I somehow knew that the people that stole the furniture were trying to torture us for knowing who they are. I then fell back to sleep and sometime after that, I woke up again and I saw a figure hovering over me. I looked closer and it was the same friend but he was killed and hung with a noose over my bed. I screamed and cried as I said his name over and over while trying to get the noose off of his neck. I woke up.