I got shot

Date: 8/24/2016

By pennypengj

so I had a dream where I was extremely depressed and started running out to the park area and played Pokemon go when I was suppose to babysit. Then, when I went a restaurant the next day, apparently, I saw the kids I was babysitting's mom and she got pissed at me. So, I told her this was a dream and she didn't believe me, so she then shoot me. At that moment, I said "what the fuck! I'm gonna die when I wake up!" so I started panicking and told myself to not wake up in order to survive (I guess cause supernatural lmao). anyways, during my dream in a dream, I needed a lung transplant since I was shot in the left and right sides on my chest. But, unfortunately, they didn't have any more lungs available and I yelled at them (which my mom replied saying that some crappy hospital don't have it since we're broke and shit). (btw this was the part where my dream was not lucid anymore and I didn't know I was still in a dream). I then woke up from my dream inside my dream and realized I was actually shot and the billet missed my heart by 1mm and they took the bullet out of my breast. So, they said for now on, I had to survive with a shot a day from a syringe (like the diabetics do) and I was actually happen I survived. Then, when there was a meeting full of people who were shot that day, I saw a couple of my friends (that were shot and supported me) and told me I had fainted when the shooting happened and ended up being shot. So, they told me that I was at Southland mall in a restaurant. Then, all of a sudden, gunmans started going nuts and ended shooting so many people. I was like wow and I was extremely shocked (since I didn't know what had happened) and Tyler Joseph was there as a victim too. Apparently, I knew him so I hugged him thanking God that he was alive and so were a few other people that I apparently knew (though like I said I also knew a few other people I actually knew in real life like Krystal and tristian). He then asked me to show him my bullet wound, which I showed him my shirt with a hole through it and he said "I want to see the actual bullet silly" so I did show him that and he looked at it so carefully and aksbsjak. anyways, when we celebrated, we went back to my house to get the syringe and headed to southland to celebrate what we had went through there. out of nowhere, there were 2 gunmans ready to approach our group when the security killed them before they attacked us and we just continued celebrating. apparently, there was a kid near us that I knew and told him hi before walking back to my seat (next to Tyler Joseph) and he was like "why did you talk to him?" and I told him that he was cute and I knew him (though they had the same name) and he said so you think I'm cute and I blushed cause DUHHH. anyways, when we went back home, I slept next to my husband (guy version of krystal) and when I woke up, he took me a restaurant down the corner of Hayward area (I have no idea where exactly) but there were models and we were the models there and yeah. when we got back home and woke up that next day, she became transgender to a girl and I married her. and yeah!