Surreal Family Dream

Date: 11/23/2018

By beanofthejill

I had a dream where my dog almost went crazy. Every time she saw me she tried to bite me. I still loved her and tried my best to hug her while holding her snout shut, however she managed to bite me on the hand. Ever after I ran away trying to shut my bedroom door. I remember there was two red dots inbetween my pointer and middle finger, as well as one outside my pointer finger, right by the knuckles. At that point I grabbed her snout amd dragged her down the stairs. At the bottom steps I saw her front leg break off, I felt pretty bad. I then look up and find her other front leg at the top of the stairs. My dog somehow hopped over to my mom who was sitting on the couch in the living room direct infront of the stairs. She didn't yell at me, but was frustrated and confused why I did that to the dog. "I didn't mean to, she bit me" is how I responded. My mom argued that Rosie, my dog, would never do that. Later on in the evening, it was just my dad and I on the first floor of our house. I was by the sink in the kitchen, and my dad was still on the couch in the living room. At this time he had a really bad cough that he went to a doctor's to check out earlier that day. While I was at the sink, possibly washing my hands, my dad announced the cough he had happened to be cancer. I was shocked. I was still in the kitchen when I asked him if they knew how severe the cancer was. He said he didn't know. I then walked over to the living room to sit in the cubby between my dad's legs and the back of the couch. I just sat there in shock and sadness. I woke up after this.