Bernie Sanders Pilgrimage

Date: 5/22/2021

By carolinakai

Dreamt that me and a group of like 30 other people went on this economic pilgrimage with Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren where they bequeathed us with wisdom about how to spend money in a healthy way and the toxic mindsets that lead people to be irresponsible. Apparently the World was ending in the region we all lived and they were trying to save us. I don’t really remember a whole lot of what Elizabeth said and did but she was definitely there. We went to art galleries to talk about the historic value of art and why it costs so much. We talked about the costs of death I think and finally we talked about why spending money on entertainment in important too after we saw a flying submarine drop two other submarines carrying buoys in the water. When we first started the journey, they had us stick a needle in our left toe and a nail in the side of our left heel then gave everyone a small little dog to keep us company. Mine was a cute little silvery white poodle terrier mix. It was all really sequential and complicated. Like I was following this other storyline where this family was on vacation but something went wrong and they ended up running for their lives, but then the dad ended up dying at which point Bernie’s pilgrimage rolled through and started talking about death costs. And in the gallery I asked a woman who worked there if art gains any value when it’s shown at a gallery. She started talking about secret roads and tunnels. Then Bernie jumped in on the conversation and used it as a teaching moment to talk about how there are many different types of secret roads and the economic road can the most perilous but also the most fun. It finally ended after we saw the submarines. Everyone started calling up the agencies who owned them wanting to book a tour and Bernie praised us for spending money on entertainment after we’d learned everything. I jumped into the water and almost lost track of the group. When I caught up Bernie had checked everyone into a hostel and assigned them rooms but I didn’t know which room was mine. I caught up with him just as he was getting in the elevator. I said “I think I missed my room...” The door started closing, then it opened again and Bernie nodded as if inviting me into the elevator. I got it and asked him if I could keep the dog and he said “sure it’s yours.” I named it Pumpkin. Then I woke up.