planets/ galaxies/ jupiter/ earth is gone / aliens

Date: 1/30/2019

By sarahhowwell

ok bear with me bc im barely remembering stuff so this is gonna be a mess. ok i remember really really big fish tanks. like it was one that covered an entire wall but it was slit down the middle so technically it was two fish tanks. natalie and i got a fish? and i remember janelle telling her to make her water higher so it matched the height of my water. i remember we put like bowls in the water to feed the fish? ok this is where my dreams shift else where. we were on some different planet. it was a population of like 30. we were trying to find a solution to a problem i think. like getting water i’m pretty sure? it was all teenagers here. there were humans and aliens. i was human but some of the others were aliens. they looked so weird. almost cartoonish. they had really long purple and blue fingers but they weren’t like regular fingers they were claws. not agressive claws though. they had weird cartoonish faces and bodies. it looked like they were wearing a mask. i can’t tell u exactly what was happening but i was with someone and it was dark and we were watching over something outside. we could also fly. i remember carson was an alien. and it was either myself or someone else that had sex with him and became an alien too. bruh i know it sounds frickin weird. this part of my dream is most vivid so i’ll explain it the best i can. we went to another planet which i think was our home. there were a ton of different aliens there. we were capturing planets or like “stealing them” i think we stole jupiter bc that’s what my mind thought of in the dream. everyone was gathered around and we were looking up but at the same time right in front of us. it was like gravity didn’t matter. but we were in a huge dome shaped cavern and a huge planet was all the sudden sucked into this huge metal claw / holster. i just remembered looking up and everyone was cheering and we had captured another planet. i remember seeing the planet and being super amazed. i know jupiter isn’t purple bc i looked it up but in the dream it was purple and blue and i could see the texture. next thing i remember someone with higher power like an official calling us (idk who us is i just remember a few people coming with me) and he told us that our plan didn’t work. we have to switch something up and use earth for water?? and burn it i think. it doesn’t make sense but in the dream it did. next thing i remember i was traveling to earth with my dad, sydney, jake, carson, alyana, some random little boy, old guys and some other people. we got to earth and it was so dark, empty and silent. it was small too. i didn’t see a single tree anywhere so it was just a vast empty place. everything was frozen too and snow was everywhere. we had to go around and prepare to burn earth. the weird thing about this tho is that the world was way smaller than it actually is. bc each significant place was just a lake. for some reason we had to go to each lake in the world and there was tape or a rope or something around all of them and we had to rip them off. there was a “wisconsin lake” and a bunch others but all close together bc earth was small. i remember going around and ripping tape. the thing about the “lakes” tho is that they weren’t actually lakes. i’m not quite sure what they were but i think they were all covered in ice. i remember to get to antarctica it was a fence you had to climb over and it was just a frozen lake. i climbed over with my brother and it was not frozen. it was just mush and it was sinking and it went on for miles. so we climbed back over and told everyone not to go over there bc it was unsafe. i saw alyana (or a little boy idk she was both) walking on the ice over the fence and i yelled at her not to. she came back over and i went to the fence opening and there was a letter written. the hand writing was awful so i couldn’t really tell but it said something along the lines of how to get to another place or something you have to walk across the ice and put your hands first in the mush and sink down into the lake (but it was really just melting ice that sank). after reading the letter i looked up and saw someone out on the “ice” and he put his hands down and sort of dived into the mush part and started sinking and disappeared. next thing i was ripping tape off another lake and that’s all i remember.