game show with an actual fun game idea

Date: 2/27/2024

By Chaos/SSJ

So in my dream there was a few other people and we all were taking part in a game show. Now i thought itd be stupid so i just went straight in not knowing the rules, immediately after starting I accidentally agreed to “call a friend” which whom it gave me was another contestant. I first hear her say “WHERE EVEN ARE YOU” as she was laughing since she wasn’t expecting that id have to go into such a bazaar room. The room had walkways that moved and there was a button so i pushed it, suddenly a conveyor belt appeared on one of the walk ways. My first thought “okay, its gonna have me get all the conveyor belts lined up in the correct order” so i start dashing through the room clicking all the buttons to realize i was very low on time. I start pushing all the conveyor belts into the pathway using the pathway to align them and with nothing more than a bit of seconds to spare, i won my first challenge. After my “cockiness” the hosts werent… very happy with me. As the games went on, contestants kept getting out and eventually the challenges became competitive. As you lost, youd be dropped through the floor through a tube where youd end up in the entrance of the building. I think one thing lead to another and I chose to participate another day? I just remember returning and they were all annoyed with me. By the end of the challenges I just had to do one thing. As i get strapped into a giant machine in the middle of a room, another woman walks in and gets strapped in. When she starts to talk to me thats when i realized my final challenge would be to beat the woman who helped me from the beginning. Although she didn’t really do anything to help… it was still nostalgic. I decided whatever it was id let her win. Suddenly the room expanded and we were in a room fool of trampolines in the floor and everywhere you looked, the woman had a bunch of life sabers and she scattered them all around. The goal was to grab one and slay your enemy. The machine began to spin making us both very dizzy, after a few seconds we were able to free ourselves from the machine which would launch us into a random direction, all you had to do was decide when you had the courage to jump. As i launched however, I quickly realized that she was already rushing at me with a light saber. I panicked and grabbed another and fended her first swing, then her second, and in the mix i saw an opening and took it by reflex. Before i knew it, i had one. “Huh… that was a lot of hype for nothing… how about the 3 hit rule” i kid you not. She dropped the lightsaber, and rushed at me against swinging her fist at me. I simply held her at arms distance completely confused not knowing what was going on. Eventually the host intervened “either way, the battle has already ended… and the winner is…. Her!” Wait what? Those assholes, they were gonna make some excuse to disqualify me, was i upset? Nah, but I remember her being far more confused than i was so it was actually a pretty funny sight. As i accepted defeat, i fell through the tube and woke up. It was one weird dream, kinda awesome though. I also think i told them something about it was my way of escaping the government? Eh who knows