
Date: 1/21/2018

By Pandakitties

All my dreams were super realistic, to the point when I woke up I couldn’t believe they didn’t happen. One was I was woken up by the bass of a sound system, the bass giving my body some weird full body tingle. I kept turning it down because I didn’t want to wake my friends up in the other room. I woke up for a second, and it was quiet and I was confused where the music went until I went back asleep and it was playing again, which I thought I was using as a sleeping aid. Then I wake up a second time, I realize the music is not real, but it sounded and felt real. This time when I do to sleep, I wake up and have a full conversation with my friend as naturally as if it actually happened. He walks in and I feel him sit in my bed and I see him, until I wake up again because I feel something is wrong and he is gone. Falling asleep for the third time, my least hyper realistic dream of the night is I’m looking for something but I’m not sure what. The music is playing and I keep trying to keep it down as too not wake anyone up, there is no conclusion. Other than waking up with the realization that all those situations I was convinced they were real until I woke up the fourth time.