Puppies and kittens

Date: 1/25/2019

By punkrocknobody

I found two litters of neonatals, one litter of black puppies and one of white and gray tabby kittens. The kittens were very skinny so I concluded they hadn’t been eating and their mother had abandoned them. They looked to only be a day or two old. The puppies came from a local dog, golden retriever mix, who had died shortly after giving birth to them and they had eaten just once before she passed. Also only about a day or two old. Both litters were warm and responsive and seemed to be doing okay for not eating much. I set up beds for each litter and tried to keep them warm. I started panicking a little, wondering if I would have time to raise both of these litters. I decided I could raise just one and would try to find a local rescue to take in the other, but ultimately would raise both if I had to. I sent my mom to the pet store to buy formula for them and feeding syringes. As she left for the store, I was trying to search online on my phone for information on local kitten rescues, but the internet was slow and not working right. It kept taking me to nonexistent webpages. I tried to search for Kitten Lady’s website because she lives in my town and the same thing kept happening. The kittens started waking up, opening their eyes and walking a small bit. I knew this wasn’t possible for neonatal kittens of only a day or two old, but I figured this must be a good sign. I checked the puppies again and they were still warm and responsive. Neither litter made any noise, even when I tried whimpering to them. Then I woke up.