angry guy from sky high

Date: 12/9/2016

By hotbitch

I was living in this place kind of like a boarding school but at a water park, and I was just swimming around doing my thang when this bitch provoked me so I roasted tf outta her and she got all sad like 'u can't treat me like that' and I was like 'yeah well bitch if u wanted a reaction don't complain when you get one' and so she slapped me so I punched her and then we got in a massive fight and then this teacher broke us up and told us to go speak to her in her office so we went to but her office was locked so we went and had our talk at this table where this kid was sitting (he was the really angry kid off sky high you know the antisocial one who could make fire and stuff) anyway he got all angry at me for sitting next to me and challenged me to a underwater duel, we were about to have one when his dad was announced missing so he said he was gonna go searching for him and I said I would help. We are searching underwater in a submarine and we decide to look somewhere that's forbidden because there's a bunch of really bad guys there. We go there and start spying and discover it's the remains of the Death Star from Star Wars and Kylo Ren has taken over it. They spot us and start shooting at us but because they are storm troopers they miss and we make it out. We find an enchanted forest and decide to look in there and eventually stumble on his dad who tells us he wasn't really missing but building a community for the muchkins from the wizard of oz because Darth Vader destroyed their village. He shows us the community and it's basically a giant barbie world and we decide to stay. The End.