My Nerd Rage lol

Date: 10/16/2018

By BeastFromTheEast

So in my dream this dumb bitch teacher was talking about this stupid documentary she watched created BY the dairy industry that said dairy was ESSENTIAL for your gut microbiome and if you don’t drink cow titty juice you’ll die or something. It pissed me off cause it was bullshit. In the dream as she was talking I knew the opposite was true and I was putting my head straight up and face palming. Then she said that dairy milk is PACKED with nitric oxide which helps blood vessels. NO IT DOESN’T. Then what really pissed me off was she started talking shit about dairy alternatives like almond milk because they apparently didn’t have this nitric oxide. Once she saw my huffing and scuffing she asked me what’s wrong. And I said “thIs just isn’t true at all!! And what about green vegetables which are packed with nitrates and the body converts tons of nitric oxide, plus vegetables have prebiotic strains of fiber that good bacteria eat which ACTUALLY improve gut function unlike dairy...” And she was like “that’s dumb, you’re very dumb, you’re very dumb” She kept repeating that and it pushed me over the edge, I wasn’t having any of that. I picked up my entire desk and threw it at the teacher lol then walked out. As I was walking out the principal was right by the door and tried to restrain me, I ran past her just as she tried to grab me. Then she ran after me and grabbed my arm and was telling me I was comming with her, I tried to push her off then I got away left the school got in my car and drove home. After I woke up from tre dream I instantly grabbed my phone and found this peer reviewed randomized controlled trial... “Acute dairy milk ingestion does not improve nitric oxide-dependent vasodilation in the cutaneous microcirculation.” Lol stupid bitch