a rabid dog and a creepy vet

Date: 3/15/2018

By salvo

(This won’t matter to people who don’t know me but this dream takes place at my old house.) Someone sent us a video that was a lot like the new marvel studios movie intro, except it was for Disney movies. At the end it showed something down in a pipe in our backyard as a clue for us to go find it. I went out to investigate and there was a dog that had been frozen in the pipe over the winter. It was a small black and white dog. I unfroze him enough to pull him out, but he was really stiff. His face was twitching though, so I knew he wasn’t dead. I wanted to take him to the vet, but I knew he had rabies, so I was trying to find something to carry him in. While I was searching, he started wriggling around, and I didn’t want to get bit so I put him on the ground. His head turned into a fish head and a hole started opening up in his stomach. I actually gasped when I saw a guinea pig squirming out of its stomach. When the guinea pig got free, the dog stopped twitching, but he could move a little more than before. I picked him up again and I had my hands in my coat, but he stuck his head through and bit my hands. When I got him to the vet, my hands were all itchy. I told the vet to take care of him. I said he had rabies and that he bit me. Then the vet started rubbing my hand, and she said it stinks that she has to work with animals all day. I left and came back the next day, and the atmosphere of the vet’s office was totally different. Instead of the bright white fluorescent lighting, the lights were really dim and yellow, and every animal in the office had turned into a reptile or amphibian. The dog I brought in was in a cage at the bottom of the wall and it had turned into a snake. The vet was standing motionless at the examination table. I told her she should check out the dog I brought in, and instead she asked me to lay on the table. I didn’t want to, but I had to. She cut my stomach open, put the snake in, and sewed me back up, all while I was screaming. That’s all I remember.