Mom's a Murderer

Date: 9/27/2017

By srey798

So, I had originally woken up from last nights sleep and strangely felt that I should text my coworker "Laney". I sent her a quick "hey" and ended up passing out asleep again. Now, In my dream, I was in my house and my mom had come home... but there was something different about her. She was acting strange. I ultimately found out that it was another woman disguised to look like my mom. I mean she looked like a clone. So I instantly started telling her to get out of the house and that I was gonna call the police. The woman ended up trying to grab my phone from my hands, scratching my arms in the process. She ended up saying she was gonna call the police to in a sense trick me into believing she was my mom by provoking the thought "Oh, why would she risk going to jail if she wasn't my mom?" But it didn't work. I still didn't buy that she was my mom and she ran out of the house. The power went off and I was alone in the dark. I had called the police and the SWAT team was right on my driveway. I walked out and they sent a female SWAT member inside. She was crouching with a flashlight and a gun. The rest of the SWAT team had set up a station dedicated to communicating with her while she's inside the house. She was asking if she should go into the nursery since everyone was crawling (like a baby - I think she was making a joke). It was at this moment a car pulls up and a black male gets off. He had a baby wrapped in a blanket in his arms. He approached the SWAT team and had told them something. I believe it was along the lines of "I want my wife to see our baby". They allowed him to get to the door of the house but I noticed 2 things as he passed by: that the baby is a real baby and that there were wires dangling out of the blanket. I thought to myself "Wait a minute... that's a bomb." I looked at the team in panic and yelled "WHY DID YOU LET HIM DO THAT? THATS A BOMB!" The SWAT team realizing what I was saying started screaming "GET DOWN TO THE GROUND!" I dropped as I watched the entry way of the house explode. As I lay on the driveway, I heard a beeping sound. I looked up and saw the car parked has something attached with a red light blinking. "Shit. Shit. Shit. Another bomb." I darted across the street and threw myself in time to avoid the explosion. The SWAT team was killed. Angry and tormented about what was happening, I decided to go inside the house and find this woman myself. I located her in my parents bedroom but the shocking part is that in my dream, she transformed into my real mom. She was crying about the mess she had caused. She said that she thought all of this would be the only way I could stop misbehaving and that she didn't mean to hurt anybody. My two little sisters appear out of nowhere and are bawling. We ended up finding out that the baby was my little brother. "YOU KILLED *ALEX*! HOW COULD YOU DO THAT?!" She cried, " I didn't mean for it to get that far! I'm sorry!" My little sister, crying, asked where our dad was. She went to the front yard and saw the car completely destroyed and looked down at the ground and saw a broken Jack in the Box shake cup. She came crying hysterically inside. "DAD WAS IN THE CAR DRINKING A SHAKE. HE'S DEAD, TOO." My other sister lost it immediately and had tears running down her face. I was angry about all of this and told her I was gonna call the police. "You can't just get away with this. You killed people!" She looked at me and calmly said " do what you think is the right thing to do, honey." I looked at the phone in my hand and looked at my sisters crying. I gave in. "I'm not going to take another person away from my sisters. You took away Alex. You took away dad. I'm not gonna take you away from them. You're gonna regret everything you did, but we're gonna move on." I ended up not calling the police and I had woken up crying with tears down my face. I cried for a good 5 minutes. I checked my phone and I had a missed call from my boss. I tried calling her several times and my jack in the box several times but they didn't answer. I tried my boss again and she ended answering. I asked her what happened and she told me "Laney's mom died today." I'm so freaked out about this. What do you guys think?