Kissing One of My Best Friends

Date: 1/19/2023

By Xiileaf

I was laying back on my usual couch at my mom’s house, two or three pillows propped up behind me. I was facing away from the TV, my friend, Logen, hovering on top of me, straddling me. His pink hair was voluptuous. No one other than the two of us were home. The lights were bright as the ones I don’t like were turned on, but I was too engrossed in observing my tall guy of a friend to be bothered, especially when contact was made. Logen had leaned forward and plopped a soft kiss on my lips, and it only took a couple seconds before we were swapping spit. I engaged him, slightly curling my legs closer into fetal position (without touching him) and cupping his face in both hands. Logen had one hand on the couch for stabilization and the other at my jawline, urging me closer. We kept going.

AI generated interpretation This dream could be interpreted to reveal your feelings towards your best friend, Logen. It may be that you have romantic feelings for him, and this dream could be your subconscious expressing those feelings. The bright lights could symbolize feeling exposed, which could suggest feelings of vulnerability when it comes to expressing your feelings. The fact that you were engaged and curling your legs up could suggest that you feel safe and comfortable in his presence, and the cupping of his face could represent your desire to be closer to him. Overall, the dream could indicate that you have strong, romantic feelings for Logen.