flying and some psycho

Date: 7/1/2018

By space_tubbs

my brother and I had gotten kicked out of our house and we didn’t have anywhere else to live. We tried going to a few friends house and also to some family members, but no one would accept us. Also, instead of antonio being older, I was the eldest and he was the youngest. Anyway, since we had nothing we decided to steal from houses just to survive. It worked for the first few times but we eventually got caught and were sent to an orphanage. I didn’t really like it there and neither did my brother so we decided to escape. We found out we could both fly but we didn’t know exactly how to since we never done it before. We tried escaping many times and eventually we both ran away without a problem. While trying to come up with a follow up plan we ran in to our eldest brother. he began asking where we’ve been and that he was worried. Lol i told him to stop asking and we all stuck together since I was scared of being caught by the people from the orphanage (which I will add were really mean and terrible, they were even planning on selling and killing exotic animals) We ran into trouble when we met some psycho lady who emerges animals into buckets of bleach if she doesn’t like them. She also had three daughters that were annoying as heck. I don’t know, everything about that lady screamed CRACKHEAD