a botched wedding

Date: 12/22/2016

By biscuit

In the first part, I was buying a car. There were a few different options available, but one really stood out. It was a sporty yet sturdy two-door, and it was grey. If I remember correctly, Devanie and some of my other friends were there, too. In the next part I remember, I was going to be married to Lisa. It was a sudden sort of thing, and I didn't know if I was really ready for it. My parents said they had my outfit all settled, and when I opened up the package it came in, I saw that they, in fact, did not have it settled. Instead of a customary plain black kimono, there was a flowery pink one, and instead of hakama, there were sweatpants made of silk. There was also a vest, which was reversible. It was the worst possible thing that could have happened, and the wedding was called off because of that (and some other problems that became obvious). There was a part after that, and I can't remember it super well, but I remember that my brother woke me up, and I tried to tell him what I had just seen in my dream (because he had been in the last scene). I said "the ruggage came during that conversation," which makes no sense at all. All I can remember about the meaning of that sentence is that ruggage=rugged luggage.