Crappy Vampire Baby

Date: 11/2/2018

By petal

So two dreams again, both non-lucid both including the same fake man-friend. (Guy I would definitely put the effort in and make a play for in real life if he wasn’t slightly too old, if I didn’t have my usual crap health issues, (that he definitely wouldn’t like) and if he hadn’t already a long term “girlfriend” 😭) There are also elements of a past rubbish relationship in these dreams. Sorry both dreams are looooonnnngggg!😁 So first dream we are in an oriental modern city, place I been to before in dream. (Not usually with or anything one else I know). We are in the market square and one some kind of group holiday. I’m surprised he has chosen to come along. My Mum there with other people we know. I’m a bit jumpy like, “Whys he even in my dream?” But my Mums like “It’s okay, just let’s all rock with it.” We cross a bridge I recognise from another dream, but this time there isn’t a load of agro people sitting along sides it’s ancient stone guard walls, so we get past and over it and dream goes/carries on. My mum goes ahead in her group and I’m walking along with this guy not knowing really if I want to talk to him or if he really wants to talk with me; feeling bloody awkward cause I just want to hold his hand. He’s being his usual dominant dick, know it all self, which is strangely what I like about him. I’ve just realised he’s into slightly public humiliating as well. He does it and it’s exasperating, then I realise what he’s up to and it’s funny, cause he is kind of humiliating himself at the same time and he blushes so cute. And I’m thinking about this in my dream and thinking shitty shit shit cause I don’t want to be so into this guy. Still he continues being a knob and he’s taking me further into this city and although I know it I don’t really want to get lost. I’m glad I’ve got my phone with me so I can sat nav myself out at any moment. He takes to his old girlfriend house where her family still live. I’m kind of embarrassed but I also think I have no reason to be embarrassed. I’ve not done or even said anything wrong. I realise the girls dead, she’s drown, that he’s taking me there cause he wants me to know how sad it is for everyone. But it’s none of my business really so I just smile and be polite to the dead girls mum and dad. Im interested in their oriental culture so I make small talk about that and win them round. I still feel I’m out of place though and excuse myself. I find a nice oriental tea house, sit outside on pretty fabric directors chairs and order myself some white char. When it comes out to me it’s in a pretty red cup. I thank and chat with the staff. They like that I’m appreciative and interested. They chat back. I make more friends. I’m in a part of the city I realise I know. On the shore of a great foggy glittering river. I’ve walked over that river before now. There is a glass bridge just under the surface. You have to know where it is. The river is kind of like the sea in Lord of the Rings, it represents a peaceful death there isn’t anything on the other side that I know of and yet I’ve crossed it and come back before then. So I’m drinking my tea waiting for the guy to come out and meet me. I would like to go closer and look at the river with him cause it’s so beautiful and shimmery with so many beautiful soft colours in it. He comes to my table and looks awkward and sad, so instead I take him back to the group and my mother cause I know she can cheer him up. I wake up. Next dream I’m in my childhood village and I’m happy to be there. It’s a sunny morning and I’m with my school chums but there all grown up. We are just hanging about on the high street talking about old cottages we lived in and someone says “so I hear you are a vampire now and you can fly. Your famous cause you write about it”. I just shrug and say “yeah”. It’s no big deal. And group is like “yeah but you can fly though, you can show us” and I’m not so sure, so again I just shrug. I flip myself over in a kind of fancy summersault and lay on the sun soaked village road. It feels goods I encourage others to try it, to just lay there cause it feels nice and relaxing. It’s a dream so it’s not like we are causing any disturbances. Then HE comes down from the sky. He’s an unashamed badass vampire fly well. My friends are like “cool”, you’ve found a guy you can fly with and I’m like “well, not really”, and this makes me sad. I go to walk into one of the cottages I know and very familiar with. But he does a more fancy summersault move and wants to play with my gang. My friends copy him all doing summersaults in the sunshine but I’m not having any of it so I walk into the cottage feeling defeated. The cottage has been turned into some cute bijou hotel. I own it I know all the rooms. I tell the receptionist I’m going to my best suite and take myself up to the second floor to sit on the stone window seat and look over the village square with my friends all in it. Then his girlfriend come flying into the square and I’m just watching with no intention to interfere but she’s dying and having a baby at the same time. She’s a vampire too and she deranged and bitter. I’m watching the guy and his girlfriend flying about my village and I can see the baby she’s having is in trouble cause she’s going to eat it in the sky above my village. One of my male school friends comes up the stairs to were I’m sitting. I don’t who he is, don’t really recognise him now he’s all grown up but he’s a friend, a nice guy. He says can’t you do anything about it and I like no, I don’t think I can. But my school friend insists “you can fly, you can save it”. But I’m not sure I can fly anymore or if I should be inferring. It all seems wrong. It takes my friend three time to convince me to try. I launched myself from the window expecting to fall but I don’t I’m flying well better that I’ve done for a long time. I snatch the baby from the dying woman’s arm and watch as the woman falls to the ground. It’s quite pretty and stunning looking, this dream by the way, like one of those epic huge production martial arts films. We are flying in flowing dynamic stylish silks all Japanese, elegant and bird like. The dying woman and her vampire baby are stunningly gorgeous even in their grotesqueness. I know I’m just like them. The baby in my arms is gorgeous and vulnerable also wrapped up in stunning dark flowing silks. It has an innocent porcelain face with rosy cheeks and china white tiny teeth like those of a large fish. It bites me because it needs blood to live. I let it bite the tender white flesh of my inner arms. It hurts but I let it cause it’s not its fault it was born a vampire. The guy flys over to us. He wants his baby. He wants it to live but it needs more blood than I can give. We fly to the floor and try to tend it. Swapping, the baby starts to feed off the man. He has more blood to give it, but then it’s starts to crap. A huge bloody crap as only a vampire kid could crap. And the man’s looking at me like “help me, how do I manage this”. The kid does more of the brown beetroot stuff. It’s not it fault. The baby just doing what’s natural, but there’s just a awful lot of it. It doesn’t smell all that bad. I seen far worse. It’s like one of those stupid foaming indoor fireworks tablets. When you light them they make a lava turd that just grows and grows. I’ve dealt with such crap before so I know how to manage it but the guys in a panic. I give him a tray for the baby to poop on. The crap just all comes out filling the tray. It just about contained. The baby starts to poop out clear liquid. I tell the man to just let it settle the turd will harden up and can be disposed of easily. I put the whole thing in a bag and tie it up neatly for him. There is no mess on us. The guy wants this baby, but to me the dream is just wrong. I’m flying above the guy who’s cradling the baby and looking from beautifully them and then to the bag of shit. It’s not my baby. I didn’t birth it. He looks back up at me, he might want me, he’s unambiguous about holding onto the baby. He’s not looking for his dying girl. I think he should. I also knew my mind was making all the picturesque rot up. I took one more look at the man in all his gorgeousness holding that vampire beautiful crappy darling doll like baby and woke myself the hell up.