Date: 7/11/2024
By precociousoceans
Had dream that my older friend Michael got a job working at whatever he does? At one point we were laundry service for a giant corporate office or something like that. But we were all dressed like mechanics basically and there was a lot of downtime, but I really hated it because I guess I was still doing my dog stuff and that was going well, and this was bad pay. I was working with Michael, Vince Vaughn, some kind of Steve Buscemi guy, this middle aged guy with really receded hairline who was kind of a dummy, and then there was Marlon Brando who was our Corleone. Corleone was the title instead of Don. Brando pissed me off but he was fair. Vince Vaughn got the wacko receded hairline guy to pin Brandos head to the shop garage using barbers scissors, killing him. And then Vince Vaughn lays out this new structure about how the other old guy is his second and he gets 50% of the money and can decide how to split that down with the rest with us. I got very angry and so was everyone else I grabbed Vince Vaughn, who assumed he had us all terrified of him, and choked him while holding a knife to his throat “You idiot, you think that just because you got this goon to stab the last guy in the head that that makes you Corleone? What if I stab you, does that make me Corleone?” He’s very scared at this point but my mouth is getting very dry I’m having to whisper and strain to repeat myself, and get pulled out of the dream as I’m explaining that the Corleone is someone who brings profit to ALL OF US. Anyway, being the Corleone isn’t about muscle, people. It’s about respect lol And that’s when I noticed I was saying that speech outloud irl, or at least the last part