The most beautiful cemetery

Date: 1/13/2020

By LdonnyH24

I had a dream that I committed some sort of awful crime and I was running away so I wouldn't get caught. The police were out looking for me, but I knew If I ran far enough, they would give up. I ran into this huge open Field probably about 200 yards long. I ran all the way through the field and at the end, there was a bunch of bushes. I ran through the bushes and then I was in this huge, dry, barren field of dirt. There was an old abandoned Barn on this land. I knew that I was safe so I turned around to go back home. I walked back through the bushes and I ended up in this cemetery in the middle of nowhere. The cemetery was beautiful and felt really peaceful and quiet. There were gardens and flowers and ponds and butterflies everywhere. I felt happy there. Most of the grave stones were normal, but there was a few that were crazy and really stood out to me. I remember there were a couple of gravestones that were life size elephant statues made out of solid gold. They were the size of an actual African elephant. It was the most amazing statue I had ever seen. I remember thinking to myself that I wanted to be buried in that cemetery when I die I wanted to stay there forever..

AI generated interpretation This dream may be reflecting your feelings of guilt and shame associated with a recent event or decision. The idea of running from the police may be a metaphor for your attempt to flee from a certain situation in which you feel you’ve done something wrong. You eventually find a safe place to hide in the cemetery, which may signify a desire for peace and solace. You find beauty and tranquility in this place, which could indicate that you’re seeking a way to make peace with yourself for your actions. The life-size golden elephant statues may symbolize a need for strength and stability in your life. This dream could be a representation of your subconscious desire to find balance and acceptance of yourself despite your past mistakes.