Border patrol

Date: 11/8/2020

By Lazy

It was a pretty normal school day, I was trying to colour a colouring page I had brought. I think one of the anime ones, but Keenan was sitting nearby and I didn’t want to ask him to move his chair so I could get by so I went alll the way around the classroom and asked ocean if we could sit somewhere else and she could stop hoarding my colouring book but she wouldn’t. One weird thing is we were in Windrem but mr. Mould was the principle and shit, it was like the two schools merged. I eventually got so frustrated with them and with being near Keenan I grabbed my phone and left. My foot hurt really bad. I went to the bathroom, and saw Piper by the entrance to the bathroom. There were a bunch of kids lined up near the stalls about 6 feet apart. Because Piper was in the stall I was like “hey, you keepin these kids in line? 😈” and she was shook her head no so I was like “more like waiting in line 😼” and she laughed. I forget exactly why but Anna was really sad and dashed into a bathroom stall. I wanted to make sure she was okay but I didn’t want to smother or embarrass her around everyone either. Very suddenly, a really tall man in this strange, foam looking dark blue armour emerged from the door to the left of us. He held a very large dark blue gun, and I believe he had a round face shield. He told us all not to move at all. I complied and kept my hands over my mouth in the exact facial expression I had made when he told us to freeze. The other kids in the hallway were moving so fucking much and one kid,, I think Jase actually? Laughed at them and was like “that’s not fucking standing still.” Idk when Sophia joined us but I think she was with me and Piper at this stage. I knew immediately this man was some form of police. As he started marching forward he said we could unfreeze, and it seemed he wanted us to follow him. I could feel myself slipping out of my dream, but I’d read recently that a solution to that is to grab onto things. I grabbed Sophia’s arm and described her skin and shit and was able to get it back. I don’t know why I didn’t just properly lucid dream at this point. I was semi in control and clearly knew I was in a dream. I think I just wanted to watch how it played out. When I returned, Allana and I reunited. I’m not sure where Piper and Sophia now were. They had killed some people, and we were chasing after them by a&w. This was excruciatingly painful because of my foot, I had a blister that had started to bleed. They threw a fucking bomb at us that hit my lower shoulder area. It didn’t explode in that moment, we had to do a round turn around as it seemed like the bomb was kinda chasing us. The truck they were in got away and that’s when I noticed the large text BORDER PATROL on the side of the vehicle. At this point i was instantly mortified for Allana. We were running back home and witnessed tons and tons of bodies all laying in a straight, perfected line on the sidewalk. Some of them included border patrol agents that ruined the perfection of the line. But very few. They aimed guns at us and we cowered in fear exclaiming we didn’t want to interfere, we’re just going home. Everyone else was running in the opposite direction and was clearly more problematic (to them) , so they just let us go. There were so many people out front of our house. Many civilians and many agents pulling up in a van. Because they were just now showing up to our house I was really scared, I thought maybe this isn’t just a weird mass murder/raid thing and Allana is one of their distinct targets. I noticed Ocean had stocked up on things I recognized, this weird white packaging with a square blue label that said Fuck I can’t remember. Something with a g. I was like gimme the juice or the fuel or whatever and she handed me like Gatorade (2L) instead of the literal packaging that we had seen the border patrol agents with. We were trying to show that we agree with what they use, what they’re doing, whatever type of assimilation goal this was. I panicked and knew immediately to lock the door. Allana and I both dived over the packing behind the door and got ready to lock it. WHY DID WE LEAVE OCEAN OUTSIDE? I DO NOT KNOW. SIS SAVED OUR L I F E AND WE LOVE HER TO PIECES. I AINT HEAR NO GUNSHOTS SO HOPEFULLY SHE DIDNT DIE. ANYWAYS Allana didn’t lock it fully and was generally struggling with the lock and I got a little unnecessarily mad with her. Like just help her out the yelling is not useful. So I locked the door properly and Allana’s hand was on the knob and I aint hear it so clearly but Allana said he said he knew Allana’s hand was on the knob and then we both knew he was very smart. I went and locked the back door, and when I went to lock the sliding door upstairs I saw my dad. I began begging and pleading with him to unlock the gun safe and give me a quick course because while you shouldn’t really shoot a gun if you don’t know how this was an emergency and I NEEDED to know how. I’ve shot a gun before so it wouldn’t be completely outrageous. But Dad was just kinda standing there in his housecoat as Allana went to lock all of our windows. I woke up faster this time, not as much time to ground myself and feel things. I can’t tell if this dream is lucid or not because I was conscious of the fact I was in a dream and my thoughts were pretty sharp but I didn’t do the things I’ve always wanted to do in a lucid dream I just kinda, let it play out.