Date: 3/7/2020
By Sidd006
How we got him I have no idea, but essentially my friend and I rented Bill Murray for an afternoon. The first place we are is at a diner (seems like outside a nice city like London or something), we are sitting in a booth and my friend is acting kind of strange. I worry that Bill will think he is weird, and don’t want him to be offended. I do remember my friend saying “ we got him until....” so time wasn’t a big issue. We go through the whole can we take a selfie thing and I think maybe it would be better if we asked the waitress to take our photo. I’m having a terrible time getting my camera app to work, it just won’t and I’m a bit frustrated that Apple has changed its function recently and that I know don’t know how to open it. I see the waitress and ask her if she can take our picture, but she has just picked up some dishes and I mention “when you come back” as she walks off. So we are moving off, sort of like at my apartment (not one I’ve ever been to}, Bill and us are hanging out. Then I notice that there are things I want to show him or talk to him about (big fan).... I’m having a hard time finding the stuff I want to show him though. We are at a place in a large living area (the apartment will be smaller later), Bill and I are preparing to sit at this place I’m on the left side and he is on the right, there is something keeping us warm, almost like a fire or coals in a grill. I take up some incense and light them and look at Bill and say OM in a chanting way, feels kinda good. I use that to talk about one of his films that I really like “The Razors Edge”, and he perks up and starts paying attention at the mention of this. I tell him what a great film it was and he is now agreeing with me. I can remember watching a documentary about how the film came to be and knew that this was an important film for him (in his opinion) even if it didn’t pan out so well. I want him to sign my DVD copy, but again, I can’t seem to find the darn thing. I am looking for it though and he’s just kinda hanging out the whole time. There is also a trinket of some sort, related to the movie I think, that is important and he needs to see, but I can’t find that either and I’m tearing the place apart, literally, so much time going through stuff quickly in the hope of locating these items. I think he tells me that I am well organized, perhaps he was being sarcastic, bc I couldn’t find anything. Then I try to focus on this trinket and then I couldn’t seem to get a clear picture of what I was looking for in my mind. It Suddenly seemed vague, but I knew it was something I could wear around my wrist. So we are making our way through this now smaller apartment and sort of outside closer to a street area and going through all of my stuff, most of it I’ve never seen before, and can’t find the DVD or trinket. I think he asks me about all the stuff and I reply that my parents got it for me traveling or something. It was a lil strange, there were things from all over the world. We see Crows, several of them walk around the yard area and Bill goes over to investigate. This is the outside the apartment area but there was still stuff belonging to me around everywhere. I take a close look at one myself, I was thinking something about them but it’s hard to recall. I do comment on them coming by every now and again. I feel like the crows are dogs, yes a familiar dog has something in common. The next scene I’m with a very old dog that I know from my youth, long dead now. Lil PJ and sister Muffin, it kind of morphs between the two. At this point is it getting time for bed? Others are around me now, not so sure about Bill. But the dog was definitely fragile and excited to see me, but very frail and slow moving. Note, I took B6 50mg after my first sleep cycle.