Earth splits in half

Date: 4/5/2018

By juliaaramini

The dream starts with me sitting in my house. It isn’t my house irl. It’s 2 stories, with a living room and kitchen downstairs, and bedrooms upstairs. It’s very bright and open. I’m sitting on the couch looking out the window at my neighborhood. In my back yard there is a pond that is blue-green, but not because it’s dirty or anything the water’s just that color. There is a small fence, and beyond is what would be my neighborhood, but instead it’s the edge of the world. I’m remembering when the world literally split in half, and then it cuts to the memory. I’m sitting in the same spot looking out the window. Beyond the fence is my neighborhood. It’s super bright and vivid. All of the houses are white, and there’s a ton of trees and plants and grass. There aren’t roads connecting the neighborhood. Instead there are pathways that people walk or bike on. I don’t know where people parked their cars. My neighborhood was gated, and the pathways were the only way of getting around inside the gates, so maybe there was a parking garage or something. As I’m sitting there, one of my neighbors who my mom hates talking to is walking toward our house. I yell to her that Dale’s coming over again, and she tells me to answer the door and tell him she isn’t home. I do, and he goes home. I then go back to my place on the couch. As soon as I do, everything starts shaking, but stops before I even have time to react. I look outside, and everything looks normal except for a big crack in the street that stretches for as far as I can see. As soon as I think everything’s normal, half of the planet just flies away from the other half. There isn’t any lava or the other shit inside the earth, it’s just solid rock under the crust. The earth also isn’t evenly split. My half, the one flying away, is smaller, and it doesn’t look like it was smoothly cut. The rock is uneven like it was ripped in half. Luckily all of my friends and family end up on my half. It then cuts back to the present, a few months after the split. My mom is a stay at home mom, my sister and dogs aren’t in the dream, and my dad runs a shop that I help with. Since the split, our half of the world has decided to reject any form of leadership and money. The people collectively made and agreed on a few laws. I don’t know what the rest of the laws were, but one of them was that instead of using money, people would trade. Most people had their own businesses at that point. I don’t know if we had a justice system or what crime was like, but in my mind everything seemed pretty stable. We also didn’t have cars or anything like that. We also had had no contact with the other half of the planet. There were people working on getting a radio signal out there. Also people could walk on the new flat side of earth as easily as anywhere else, but no one wanted to. I realized I was late to helping my dad with his shop (it was like a metal shop? He sold metal and tools to use it, and had a few metal sculptures he made), so I left and walked to his shop out of our considerably smaller neighborhood. I got to my dads shop. It’s super dark. I don’t really remember what happened in there, except that I was chased by bees at some point. Then I woke up. This whole dream was from a 3rd person view.