French play

Date: 8/22/2018

By picho

I was with maybe three if my friends and like four other girls. We were doing a play in French but we didn't know the script, as Beth had found it "at 3am this morning." We finished pretty early and went back to the dressing room. For whatever reason Daz Black had been at the beginning of the play and he came into the dressing room after to be like "you all did great," even though it was an absolute mess. At one point he sat next to me to look through some pictures of something, and ofc I was silently sitting there like "sksksskSKSKKDSKITSDAZ." He was making a joke and was like "is it okay if I touch your heart idk I don't wanna get done in for sexual assault in a children's dressing room," and I was like "mmmmmsure" because there's nothing wrong with that. Then I went to touch his as a response joke and he was like "aaaAAAA," because he had some sort of skin disease shiz on his neck, which was apparently where our hearts were lmao