Date: 11/16/2016
By ALPHAwolvezz
I was the new girl at what seemed to be hogwarts and I went to join this table of guys who were looking at pokemon cards. I went and sat down next to them and asked what they were doing one of the boys said "opening pokemon cards" he glared at me for a couple seconds and said "pokemon are.." I then slapped him and said "I know what pokemon are you idiot... I collect aswell" they all seemed stunned by the fact that a girl collects pokemon cards, it felt a little sexist but I just brushed it off. I reached into my bag and pulled a block of chocolate and offered them all some. As we were all eating the head mistress was announcing something and then I notice one of the guys was coughing like he was choking and then he spat out this gold metal beetle smothered in in the chocolate he had been eating. On the side of the gold beetle was a button all the guys said "don't push it what if something happens?" all stuff like that and out of curiousity I ignore them and press it and the next thing you know the beetle flys up in front of me and annouces in a loud voice grabbing everyones attention including the head misstress who was not looking happy about being interupted, saying that I had won the trip to the chocolate factory. I was so shocked and excited like this was the best thing that ever happend to me. One of the guys advised me to keep it hidden. So I wiped the chocolate off and kept in my bag.