Date: 7/9/2020
By KawaiiVixen09
I was with a friend when we dropped into an underground bunker. There was a giant monster there that we had to fight but I was indifferent towards it. We finished fighting and an award show came on. We sat down, then I was called to the stage. I got up a little shocked, and was handed an award. I walked to the wrong place, laughed it off and had a seat. Other awards were given out to other people as well, but mine was apparently the biggest. It’s weird because I’ve never gotten an award. Oh yeah i also got a lightsaber that was double sided and red so that was epic. I play fought with the other people who had lightsabers until I was walking through the next part of my dream. It was ugly. We trekked across a dirt rock road surrounded by old trees, bramble and dead dry grass. I saw an axe in the road but I left it. We reached a shed where a giant hole was, my friend jumped in. I didn’t want to yet so I recalled there being an axe, and I went back to retrieve it. I couldn’t find it, I was back in the shed where I did however, find a maroon-red rose. It was wilting just a bit, so I grabbed at a dirty watering can that had a little bit of water in it still and put some water on the rose. Then I woke up.